Admissibility to travel by Tejas Express, Vande Bharat Express & Humsafar Express trains under Leave Travel Concession (LTC) : DoPT O.M dated 14.01.2025

Admissibility to travel by Tejas Express, Vande Bharat Express & Humsafar Express trains under Leave Travel Concession (LTC) : DoPT O.M dated 14.01.2025

Admissibility to travel by Tejas Express, Vande Bharat Express & Humsafar Express trains under Leave Travel Concession (LTC) : DoPT O.M dated 14.01.2025

F.No. 31011/3/2022 – PP. A-TV
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Pers. Policy Division)

North Block, New Delhi.
Dated: 14th January, 2025


Subject:- Admissibility to travel by Tejas Express, Vande Bharat Express & Humsafar Express trains under Leave Travel Concession (LTC)-reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. No. 31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dated 19.09.2017 regarding admissibility to travel by premium/specific trains under CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988.

2. This department has been receiving a number of references from different offices/individuals about the admissibility of various premium trains like Tejas Express, Vande Bharat Express & Humsafar Express trains under Leave Travel Concession.

3. The matter has been examined by this Department in consultation with Department of Expenditure and it has been decided that apart from existing Rajdhani, Shatabdi and Duronto trains, travel by Tejas Express, Vande Bharat Express & Humsafar Express trains under LTC as per the entitlement of the Government employees, has now been allowed, as under:-

Pay Level in Pay Matrix (as per 7th Central Pay Commission) of the Central Government employees Travel Entitlement for LTC in Premium Trains (i.e. Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Duronto, Vande Bharat Express, Tejas Express, Humsafar Express trains)
Shatabdi or Similar
type trains
Rajdhani Type or Similar
type trains
Level 12 and above Executive Class AC 1st Class
Level 6 to 11 Chair Car AC 2nd Class
Level 5 and below Chair Car AC 3rd Class

4. The other terms and conditions of O.M. No. 31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dated 19.09.2017 shall remain the same.

5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(G.K. Rajnish)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 2309 4471

All Secretaries of Ministries/Departments of the Government of India

Copy to:

  1. Comptroller & Auditor General of India, New Delhi.
  2. Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi.
  3. Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi.
  4. Central Bureau of Investigation, New Delhi.
  5. Parliament Library, New Delhi.
  6. All Union Territory Administrations.
  7. Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha Secretariat.
  8. All Attached and Subordinate Offices of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions.
  9. Hindi Section for Hindi version

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