Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres under RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 : RBE No. 04/2025

Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres under RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 : RBE No. 04/2025

Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres under RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 : RBE No. 04/2025

Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)

PC-VII No. 222

RBE No: 04/2025

File No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3(Pt.I)

New Delhi, dated: 16.01.2025

The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres under RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022.

Please refer to Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3 dated 17.11.2022 (RBE No. 155/2022) regarding upgradation of pay structure of certain Group ‘C’ cadres of Ministry of Railways as per the guidelines mentioned therein.

2. Vide Annexure-II (Point 2) of letter RBE No. 155/2022, it has been stipulated that in Phase-I of the implementation, on the cutoff date, 50% posts of the cadre strength of Level-7(PB-2/GP-4600) is to be upgraded from Level-7 (PB-2/GP-4600) to Level-8 (PB-2/GP-4800) and in the Phase —II, further upgradation of the 50% of these posts in Level-8 (PB-2/GP-4800) to Level-9 (PB-2/GP-5400) on non-functional basis after 4 years of service in Level-8 (PB-2/GP-4800).

3. Now, in consultation with Ministry of Finance and with the approval of Competent Authority, it has been decided that percentage and mode of upgradation in Phase-II is to be modified to the extent that after completion of 4 years’ service in Level 8, all incumbents in Level 8 are to be upgraded to Level-9 on non-functional basis. The upgradation from Level-8 to Level-9 is non-functional in nature and the same is to be done for incumbents and not for the posts.

Signed by Jaya Kumar G
Date: 09-01-2025 11:25:37
Reason: Approved
(Jaya Kumar G)
Joint Director, Pay Commission & HRMS
Railway Board
e-mail: jaya.kumarg[@]gov.in
Ph. No: 011-47845125

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