Two Packet System of Tendering — System Improvement : Railway Board order dated 27-01-2025

Two Packet System of Tendering — System Improvement : Railway Board order dated 27-01-2025

Two Packet System of Tendering — System Improvement : Railway Board order dated 27-01-2025

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)

No: 88/RS(G)/779/14 Pt.4

New Delhi, Date:27/01/2025

The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
DG, RDSO/Lucknow, NAIR/ Vadodara
CAO, WPO/Patna, RWP/ Bela

Sub.: Two Packet System of Tendering — System Improvement.

To bring more transparency in two packet system {including electronic Reverse Auction (eRA)} of tendering, it has been decided that if refusal of the bidder(s) to extend validity after its expiry or withdrawal of the offer within validity period happens:

(a) before completion of the Techno-commercial evaluation, then the Techno-commercial evaluation (including the withdrawn bids) shall be completed. If a withdrawn bid qualifies in techno-commercial evaluation, financial bid(s) of such bidders shall also be opened, and action shall be taken as per sub-para (b) below.

(b) after the techno-commercial evaluation but before the completion of the financial bid evaluation, then the financial bid evaluation (including withdrawn bids) shall be completed. If a withdrawn bid happens to be the L1 bidder (lowest acceptable bidder, who is techno-commercially qualified for the supply of a bulk quantity and would have been awarded a contract, but for his refusal to extend validity), the tender must be re-tendered. However, Such L1 ‘price of the withdrawn bids shall not be taken as precedence for determining price
estimates or reasonableness.

2. This is issued with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway Board along with the approval of M(T&RS).

Director Railway Stores/IC
Railway Board
Email- drsic[@]
Tele- 011-23047518

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