Policy for Compassionate Appointment in EPFO, 2024: EPFO Order dated 23.01.2025

Policy for Compassionate Appointment in EPFO, 2024: EPFO Order dated 23.01.2025

Policy for Compassionate Appointment in EPFO, 2024: EPFO Order dated 23.01.2025

Employees Provident Fund Organisation
NBCC Centre, Block-2, Ground Floor- qin Floor, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023

HRD-I/67/2024/Compassionate Appointment Policy

Date: 23.01.2025 .


All ACC (HQ)/ ACC Zones & Head Office/
Director (PDNASS)/
All RPFCs-in-charge of Regional Offices/
Zonal Training Institutes

Sub: Policy for Compassionate Appointment in EPFO, 2024- reg.


The Policy for Compassionate Appointment in EPFO, 2024 as approved by Central Board of Trustees in its 236th Meeting held on 30.11.2024 is enclosed herewith for necessary action.

Yours faithfully,

(Saurabh Tripathi)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (HRD-I)



The detailed guidelines for consideration of appointment on compassionate basis were issued vide letter No. HRM-V/11(07) Compassionate Appointment/ Policy Matter/Vol-I/1/478/2020 dated 23.07.2020 to all Addl. CPFC/ Addl. CPFC(Zones), Director(PDNASS)/ Addl. CPFC(ASD) and all Regional P.F. Commissioners/ OIC of Regional Offices Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation to be followed scrupulously so as to ensure uniformity and transparency. Further, vide circular dated 25.10.2021, ‘100 point relative point scale’ was introduced and some guidelines on procedure were also modified.

In the meantime DoP&T vide O.M dated 02.08.2022 has issued fresh guidelines for compassionate appointment in which some additional features have been introduced. Keeping in view the fresh guidelines issued by DoP&T, it has been considered necessary to issue consolidated guidelines/ instructions to be followed up in EPFO for making appointments on compassionate ground. These guidelines will be called EPFO compassionate appointment policy, 2024.


The object of the Compassionate Appointment Policy, 2024 is to make appointments on compassionate grounds to a dependent family member of an employee of EPFO dying in harness or who is retired on medical grounds, thereby leaving his family in penury and without any means of livelihood, to relieve the family of the employee concerned from financial destitution and to help get over the emergency.


3.1. To a dependent family member of an employee who: –

(a) dies while in service (including death by suicide); or

(b) is retired on medical grounds under Rule 2 of the CCS (Medical Examination) Rules 1957 or the corresponding provision in the Central Civil Service Regulations before attaining the age of 55 years (57 years for erstwhile Group ‘D’ Employee); or

(c) is retired on medical grounds under Rule 38 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 or the corresponding provision in the Central Civil Service Regulations before attaining the age of 55 years (57 years for erstwhile Group ‘D’ Employee); or

3.2. Provides they are otherwise eligible as per remaining provisions of this Policy.

Note I “Dependent Family Member” means:

(a) spouse; or
(b) son(including adopted son); or
(c) daughter (including adopted daughter); or
(d) brother or sister in the case of unmarried employee or
(e) The parents who were wholly dependent on the employee (subject to maximum 50 years of age at the time of application) and the deceased Employees is not survived by a widow or an eligible child or brother or sister.
–who was wholly dependent on the Employee at the time of his death in harness or retirement on medical grounds, as the case may be.

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