BSNLEU request to lift the ban imposed on granting Compassionate Ground Appointments

BSNLEU request to lift the ban imposed on granting Compassionate Ground Appointments

BSNLEU request to lift the ban imposed on granting Compassionate Ground Appointments

Central Head Quarters

P. Abhimanyu
General Secretary

Main Recognised Representative Union.
Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar,
Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot, New Delhi-110008
E-mail : [email protected], Website :



Shri A. Robert J. Ravi,
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
H.C. Mathur Lane,
Janpath, New Delhi — 110001

Sub: – Requesting to lift the ban imposed on granting Compassionate Ground Appointments — req.

Ref:- (1) BSNLEU letter no.BSNLEU/512 (CGA) dated 21.12.2021.
(2) BSNLEU letter no.BSNLEU/512 (CGA) dated 21.04.2022.
(3) BSNLEU letter no.BSNLEU/512 (CGA) dated 20.07.2023.
(4) BSNLEU letter no.BSNLEU/512 (CGA) dated 23.02.2024.


With reference to the letters cited above, we wish to bring the following to your kind notice for favour of necessary action.

BSNLEU is repeatedly writing to the BSNL Management, requesting to relax the ban imposed on Compassionate Ground Appointments. Initially, the Management kept the Compassionate Ground Appointments under abeyance for 3 years w.e.f. 09.04.2019. Thereafter, the Management has imposed a permanent ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments w.e.f. 07.03.2022.

Vide letters cited under reference, BSNLEU is continuously demanding the BSNL Management to lift the ban imposed on the Compassionate Ground Appointments. It is going to be 6 years since the ban on Compassionate Ground Appointments is imposed. It is not justified on the part of the BSNL Management to prolong this ban, citing the financial condition of the Company.

In it’s letter dated 20.07.2023, BSNLEU has also drawn the attention of the Management to the judgement delivered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on 07.06.2022, wherein the Hon’ble Court has underscored the need to provide relief to the families, which are placed in financial hardship due to the untimely death of an employee.

BSNL is a Government of India Undertaking and it is obligatory on the part of the BSNL Management to implement the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court on a vital issue concerning the families of it’s employees. After the implementation of VRS in the year 2020, BSNL is facing acute shortage of manpower in many areas of it’s operations. Providing Compassionate Ground Appointments to the wards of the employees who die in harness, will help to bring young and talented personnel into the Company.

In view of the foregoing, BSNLEU once again urges upon the BSNL Management to lift the ban imposed on Compassionate Ground Appointments and provide relief to the families of the employees who die while in service.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

[P. Abhimanyu]
General Secretary

Copy to: Dr. Kalyan Sagar Nippani, Director (HR), BSNL, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001.

Requesting to lift ban on CGA-29.01.2025

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