Railway Board Clarification on Requirement of Companion Facility for PwD Railway Pass Beneficiaries with Visual Impairment

Railway Board Clarification on Requirement of Companion Facility for PwD Railway Pass Beneficiaries with Visual Impairment

Railway Board Clarification on Requirement of Companion Facility for PwD Railway Pass Beneficiaries with Visual Impairment

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. 2024/E(W)/01/08/7

New Delhi, dated 02.12.2024

The General Managers/DGs/CAOs (P)
All Indian Railways, PUs & CTIs.

Sub:- Clarification regarding Companion Requirement Certificate to Persons with Disabilities (PwD) having visual imparity in both eyes.

Ref:- Board’s letter No. E(W)2017/PS5-1/6 dated 19.07.2019.

It has been brought to the notice of Board that for extending Companion facility on Passes/PTOs issued to PwD Railway Pass beneficiaries having visual imparity in both the eyes, Pass Issuing Authorities are insisting on production of Companion Requirement Certificate (CRC).

2. In this connection, attention is invited to Para – 2.2 of Board’s above cited letter, wherein it has, inter-alia, been specifically stipulated that ‘in case of persons with visual imparity in both eyes, companion facility shall continue on the basis of existing Certificate of Disability (CoD) till Companion Requirement Certificate (CRC) is issued in his/her favour’. It is reiterated that for extending companion facility to PwD Railway Pass beneficiaries having visual imparity in both eyes, CRC is not mandatory. Accordingly, companion facility may be extended on the basis of existing CoD without insisting for CRC.

(V. Somadas)
Deputy Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board
E-mail : [email protected]
Tele No.: 011-47845543

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