Norms for Recognition of Railway Federations at Railway Board level

Norms for Recognition of Railway Federations at Railway Board level

Norms for Recognition of Railway Federations at Railway Board level

भारत सरकार/Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय/Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड/Railway Board)


Rail Bhawan, New Delhi — 110 001, dated : 10.12.2024

All Zonal Railways including
Metro Railway, Kolkata,
CLW/ Chittaranjan & RCF/ Kapurthala.

Sub: Norms for Recognition of Federations at Railway Board level.

As proposed by the Secret Ballot Election Committee — III (SBEC-III) constituted vide Railway Board’s order No.ERB-I/2023/23/60 dated 17.11.2023, the following norms have been approved for recognition of Federation(s) at Railway Board’s level:-

  1. For the purpose of recognition of Federation by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Railway Federation means the federated body of such Railway Unions which are registered under Trade Unions Act, 1926 and exclusively represent the interest of all category of non—gazetted Railway Servants including erstwhile Group ‘D’ Railway Servants) of Railways;
  2. The Railway Federation should have been existing or registered as such for at least one year as on 31.12.2023;
  3. The constituent Trade Unions of Railways Federation should have got recognition in at least 06 of the 17 Zonal Railways (16 Zones & Metro Railway, Kolkata) based on SBE-III Unions Elections;
  4. The constituent Trade Unions of Railways Federation should have collectively got at least 15% of the valid votes polled on all Indian Railways basis (excluding RCF & CLW) in SBE-III Trade Union Elections.

The recognition of Railway Federation shall therefore be extended by Railway Board to only those Federations which fulfil the above criteria.

(Renu Sharma)
Principal Executive Director([R)
Railway Board

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