Promotion/Seniority/Transfer of Commercial Department after merging of three categories (CC,TC &ECRC): RBE No. 80/2024

Promotion/Seniority/Transfer of Commercial Department after merging of three categories (CC,TC &ECRC): RBE No. 80/2024

Promotion/Seniority/Transfer of Commercial Department after merging of three categories (CC,TC &ECRC): RBE No. 80/2024

RBE No. 80/2024

(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I-2019/PM1/14

New Delhi, dated 16.08.2024

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways and PUs etc,

Sub: Regarding Promotion/Seniority/Transfer of Commercial Department after merging of three categories (CC,TC &ECRC)

Ref: (i) Board’s letters No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12(pt) dated 22.02.2018 (RBE No.28/2018) & dated 05.04.2019 (59/2019).

(ii) Board’s letters No. E(NG)I-2019/PM1/14 dated 28.06.2023 (RBE No. 85/2023), dated 11.07.2023 (RBE No. 87/2023) & dated 10.07.2024.


As Railways are aware, consequent to the acceptance of the recommendation of the 7 CPC, Railway Board had issued orders vide letter No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12(Pt.) dated 22.02.2018 (RBE No. 28/2018) regarding merger of Ticket Checking Staff, Commercial staff and ECRCs in a phased manner.

2. Thereafter, one of the Railways sought clarification about the cadre (Segregated or merged) in which request transfer cases will be posted, in response to which Board issued guidelines vide letter dated 10.07.2024 (Copy enclosed). However, further clarification has been sought about the posting in the merged cadre/segregated cadre based on the date of issuance of orders.

3. The matter has been re-examined in Board’s office and following clarifications are being issued:-

SN Situation Board’s guidelines
1 Staff who applied for transfer prior to the merger of cadre and whose orders were issued before the merger and were relieved after the merger. It is advised to post the staff in their own cadre (before merger) in cases where orders of transfer were issued initially prior to merger of cadres but staff were relieved after the merger of cadre.
2 Staff who applied for transfer prior to the merger of cadre and whose orders were issued after the merger. The issue is under consideration of Board’s office.
3 Staff who applied for transfer after the merger of the cadre These staff are governed by the clarification given by Board vide the letter dated 10.7.24.(copy enclosed)

Please acknowledge receipt.

DA: As Above.

(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
E-mail: sanjay.kumar6[at]
Ph. No. 43658/01123303658

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