Deferment of the Indefinite Strike that was scheduled to be commenced from 1st May 2024 – Clarification by JFROPS (NJCA)

Deferment of the Indefinite Strike that was scheduled to be commenced from 1st May 2024 – Clarification by JFROPS (NJCA)

Deferment of the Indefinite Strike that was scheduled to be commenced from 1st May 2024 – Clarification by JFROPS (NJCA)

4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055
Email: [email protected],[email protected]


Dated: March 17, 2024

All The Constituents of JFROPS(NJCA)

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Clarification regarding deferment of the “Indefinite Strike” that was scheduled to be commenced from is May, 2024.

I am finding negative remarks from some quarters regarding the decision taken by the Standing Committees of the NC/JCM(Staff Side), JFROPS(NJCA) for deferment of the “Indefinite Strike”.

We would like to clarify that, we had meeting with the Committee, constituted by the Government of India to review the Pension System, under the directives from the Government of India, and in the said meeting, apart from the Secretary/Finance(Exp.), Secretary(DoP&T), Addl. Secy.(Exp)., Chairman/PFRDA, JS/DFS and ED/PFRDA, were present from the Official Side. Side Side/JCM(JCM) was represented by the undersigned(GS/AIRF), Shri Guman Singh, President/NFIR, Shri R. Srinivasan, General Secretary/INDWF, Shri Rupak Sakar, General Secretary/ Confederation, Shri Tapas Bose, Secretary General/All India Audit & Accounts Association. Shri C. Srikumar, General Secretary/AIDEF, was also consulted.

As the committee, constituted by the Government of India to review the Pension System, is yet to complete its work and they wanted some more time to finish their job, it has become inevitable that, some time should be given to them.

All the constituents of the JFROPS(NJCA) were consulted, either personally or telephonically, before taking decision of deferment of the proposed “Indefinite Strike” that was slated to be commenced from 1 May, 2024.

I firmly belief that, heavens will not fall in the coming 2/3 months time and we are open to take any precipitative action at any moment if our demand of restoration of the OPS is not met.

Therefore, instead of raising the question over the negotiations or deferment of the aforementioned “Indefinite Strike” it is our advise to all the constituents of the JFROPS(NJCA) to remain in all preparedness for future course of action in case the Government fails to protect the future of the Government Employees after their retirement.

Comradely yours,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)


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