Relaxation for procurement of 364 Medical Devices and 85 Drugs till 31.03.2024 through Global Tender Enquiry (GTE)
No.F.4/1/2023-PPD (I)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division
515, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, 19.12.2023
Subject :- Relaxation for procurement of certain items through Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) -reg.
Attention is invited towards this Department OM No. 4/1/2023-PPD dated 03.04.2023 vide which, on the recommendation of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW), 364 medical devices and 70 drugs have been exempted from the instructions issued by this department vide OMs No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated 15.05.2020 & 28.05.2020 regarding GTEs till 31.03.2024.
2. In above context, MoH&FW (efile No. 102-1/2023-24/CGHS/MSD) has now requested to exempt 15 more drugs from the instructions issued by this department vide OMs No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated 15.05.2020 & 28.05.2020 regarding GTEs. As requested by MoH&FW, exemptions will now be available for 364 Medical Devices (Annexure-A) and 85 Drugs (Annexure-B) till 31.03.2024.
3. This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.
Encls: As above.
(Sher Bahadur)
Under Secretary (Procurement Policy)
All the Secretaries and Financial Advisors to Government of India.
Copy to:
Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.