Clarification on Interest Payment for GPF Subscription over and above threshold limit of five lakhs

Clarification on Interest Payment for GPF Subscription over and above threshold limit of five lakhs

Clarification on Interest Payment for GPF Subscription over and above threshold limit of five lakhs

28-01/2022-2023 PA (PEA) 1767-1826
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
P.A Wing Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001.

Dated : 31.10.2023


Sub : Clarification on regulation of GPF subscription over and above the threshold limit of Rupees five lakhs in financial year 2022-2023.

This is in continuation of this Directorate OM dated 30.06.2023 wherein the clarification as provided by the Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare as to whether interest is payable on excess amount of GPF subscription over and above the threshold limit of Rupees five lakhs was circulated.

2. Further, clarification as provided by the Ministry of Finance, Controller General of Accounts, Department of Expenditure vide letter No TA-3-07001/7/2021-TA-III-Part(I)cs-8084/396 dated 27.09.2023 on the subject is enclosed for strict adherence and to take further necessary action accordingly.

3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Encl : As above.

Director (Accounts)
Tel 011-23096180


Ministry of Finance
Controller General of Accounts
Department of Expenditure
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
‘E’Block, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023

Dated 09/2023


Director (Accounts),
Ministry of Communications,
Department of Post,
P.A Wing Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-1 10023

Subject: Clarification on regulation of GPF subscription over and above the threshold limit of Rupees Five Lakhs in Financial Year 2022-23.


I am directed to refer to your office Letter No. 28-01/2022-2023 PA (PEA)/792 dated 30.06.2023 (received in this office on 14/07/2023) on the subject cited above.

2. In this connection, it is stated that this office vide OM No. TA-3-0071/7/2021-TA-III-Part (1)/cs-8084/70 dated 25.02.2022 (Copy enclosed)has prescribed the procedure for calculation of excess subscription w.e.f. 2021-22 and incorporated the same in the Civil Accounts Manual vide correction slip no. 26 (Copy enclosed) in respect of Civil Ministries/Departments

3. You are, therefore, advised to take further necessary action accordingly.

This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully

Encl: As Above

(Parul Gupta)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts


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