Submission of Quarterly Report in respect of progress made in settlement of Internal Audit Paras : CGA O.M. dated 04.10.2023

Submission of Quarterly Report in respect of progress made in settlement of Internal Audit Paras : CGA O.M. dated 04.10.2023

Submission of Quarterly Report in respect of progress made in settlement of Internal Audit Paras : CGA O.M. dated 04.10.2023

Email : iad-cga[@]

No. Q-18/2/2020-IAD/CGA(E-1430)/ 5253 -68

Dated: 04.10.2023


Subject: Submission of Quarterly Report in respect of progress made in settlement of Internal Audit Paras.

Reference is invited to this office OM No.G.25014/63/2015-16/MF.CGA/IAD. Vol II/1214-33 dated 13.12.2016, requesting all Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CA(I/Cs) to direct their Internal Audit Wings to submit a quarterly report on settlement of Internal Audit Paras alongwith age-wise analysis to this office on or before 10th day of the following month of the quarter.

2. The said report for the first quarter (April to Jun’ 23) was due on 10.07.2023, which is still awaited from various Ministries/Departments as per Annexure-I. These Ministries/Departments are requested to submit the same by 08.10.2023.

3. Further, it has been decided that all the Ministries/Departments are required to submit the quarterly report from 2″ quarter (July’23 to Sep’23) onwards in the following proforma:

Name of Ministry/Department _____________________________
Report for the quarter ending ______________________________

Table – I: Status of IA Paras.

Opening Balance of No of Paras & amount objected for recovery as on 1st day of Quarter under report No. of Paras & amount objected for recovery during the quarter under report No. of Paras settled and amount recovered during the quarter under report O/s No. of Paras & Amount for recovery at the end of quarter under report Initiatives taken to obtain compliance including details of the meetings held with the management for the purpose (in brief)
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount

4. The Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CA(I/Cs) of concerned Ministries/Departments are requested to issue directions to their Internal Audit Wings for submitting the quarterly report in the revised proforma by the due date i.e 10th day of following month, without fail. The report may also be mailed in PDF or MS word format to this office on iad-cga[@]

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(Stuti Ghildiyal)
Asstt. Controller General of Accounts (IAD)

Annexure- I

Sl. No. Name of The Ministry /Department
1. Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
2. Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
3. Health and Family Welfare
4. Industry
5. Coal
6. Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
7. Petroleum & Natural Gas and Pharmaceuticals
8. Controller of Aid Accounts and Audit
9. Development of North Eastern Region
10. External Affairs
11. Education
12. Finance
13. Food Processing Industries
14. Steel & Mines
15. Rural Development, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation and Department of Land Resources

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