Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wages for Mines worker w.e.f. 01.10.2023

Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wages for Mines worker w.e.f. 01.10.2023

Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wages for Mines worker w.e.f. 01.10.2023

F.No. l/8(2)/2023-LS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment
Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner(C)
New Delhi

Dated: 26/9/ 2023


In exercise of the powers conferred by Central Government vide Notification No. S.O. 2413(E) dated 28th July, 2017 of the Ministry of Labour and Employment the undersigned hereby revise the rates of Variable Dearness Allowance on the basis of the average Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers reaching 385.97 from 378.58 as on 30.06.2023 (Base 2016=100) and thereby resulting in an increase of 7.39 points. The revised Variable Dearness Allowance as under shall be payable from 01.10.2023; –

Rates of Variable Dearness Allowance for employees employed in employments in Gypsum Mines, Barytes Mines, Bauxite Mines, Manganese Mines, China Clay Mines, Kyanite Mines, Copper Mines, Clay Mines, Magnesite Mines, White Clay Mines, Stone Mines, Steatite Mines (including the mines producing Soap Stones and Talc), Ochre Mines, Asbestos Mines, Fire Clay Mines, Chromite Mines, Quartzite Mines, Quartz Mines, Silica Mines, Graphite Mines, Felspar Mines, Laterite Mines, Dolomite Mines, Red Oxide Mines, Wolfram Mines Iron Ore Mines, Granite Mines, Rock Phosphate Mines, Hematite Mines, Marble and Calcite Mines, Uranium Mines, Mica Mines, Lignite Mines, Gravel Mines, Slate Mines and Magnetite Mines.

Category of worker Rates of V.D.A. (in Rs.) per day
For work above ground For work below ground
Unskilled 154 191
Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 191 228
Skilled/ Clerical 228 265
Highly Skilled 265 295

Read also:-

  1. Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wages for Agriculture worker w.e.f. 01.10.2023
  2. Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wages for employees employed in Construction work w.e.f. 01.10.2023
  3. Variable Dearness Allowance and Wages for employees employed in loading and unloading work w.e.f. 01.10.2023
  4. Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum wages for employees employed in Sweeping and Cleaning work w.e.f. 01.10.2023
  5. Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wage  for WATCH & WARD (with and without arms) employees w.e.f. 01.10.2023
  6. Variable Dearness Allowance and Minimum Wage for Stone Mines workers w.e.f. 01.10.2023

Therefore the minimum rates of wages showing the basic rates and Variable Dearness Allowance Payable w.e .f. 01.10.2023 Will be as under:-

Category of worker Rates of wages including V.D.A. (in Rs.) per day
For work above ground For work below ground
Unskilled 350+154=504 437+191=628
Semi-Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 437+191=628 523+228=751
Skilled/ Clerical 523+228=751 610+265=875
Highly Skilled 610+265=875 683+295=978

The VDA has been rounded off to the next higher rupee as per the decision of the Minimum Wages Advisory Board.

The classification of workers under different categories will be same as in Part-I of the notification , whereas classification of cities will be same as in the Part-II of the notification dated 19th January, 2017. The present classification of cities into areas A , B & C is enclosed at Annexure I for ready reference.

(Remis Tiru)
Chief Labour Commissioner(C)


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