Payment of Salary/wages/pension on 25.08.2023 on account of ONAM festival and on 27.09.2023 on account of Ganapati Festival to the Postal Employees posted in Kerala and Maharashtra  respectively

Payment of Salary/wages/pension on 25.08.2023 on account of ONAM festival and on 27.09.2023 on account of Ganapati Festival to the Postal Employees posted in Kerala and Maharashtra  respectively

Payment of Salary/wages/pension on 25.08.2023 on account of ONAM festival and on 27.09.2023 on account of Ganapati Festival to the Postal Employees posted in Kerala and Maharashtra  respectively

File No. 38-01/2013-PAP (Computer No. 3128485)


F No.38-01/2013-PAP
Government of India,
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division/PAP Section


Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110001
Date: 17th August, 2023.


The Chief Post Master General
Kerala Circle

The Chief Post Master General
Maharashtra Circle

Sub: Disbursement of Salary/wages/pension to the Central Government Employees in the State of Kerala for the month of August, 2023 on account of ONAM festival and in the state of Maharashtra for the month of September, 2023 on account of Ganpati Festival -Reg.

Madan) Sir,

I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the OM No. 03002(2)/1 I2020/TA-I/(E-3001)/325 dated 44.08.2023, of the Office of the Controller General of Accounts, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, wherein the Central Government Offices have been requested to draw and disburse salary/wages/ pension in the Kerala State on 25.08.2023 on account of ONAM festival and in Maharashtra State on 27.09.2023 on account of GANPATI festival and to request you to cause to take necessary action in accordance with the instructions of the aforesaid instructions dated 14.08.2023.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Encl: As above

Read: Disbursement of salary/ wages/ pension to the CG Employees/ Pensioners in  Kerala and Maharashtra on 25.08.2023 and 27.09.2023 on account of ONAM and Ganpati Festival respectively

Ravi Pahwa
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC/PAP)

Copy to:

  1. The Director of Accounts Postal, Thiruvananthapuram-695001
  2. The Director of P&T Audit, Thiruvananthapuram-695033
  3. The Finance Advice Section, Department of Post, Dak Bhawan,
    New Delhi.
  4. GM, CEPT for uploading the order on the India Post web site.
  5. The Director of Accounts Postal, Nagpur-440001
  6. The Director of P&T Audit, Mumbai-400051
  7. -9. The Guard files/the sanction file/the office copy.

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