Minutes of the PNM Meeting between Railway Board and All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) held on 11th and 12th April 2023

Minutes of the PNM Meeting between Railway Board and All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) held on 11th and 12th April 2023

Minutes of the PNM Meeting between Railway Board and All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) held on 11th and 12th April 2023




The PNM Meeting


Railway Board


All India Railwaymen’s Federation


on 11th & 12th April, 2023



S/ Shri/Ms. S/ Shri/Ms.
  1. Anil Kumar Lahoti Chairman, Railway Board & CEO
  2. Anjali Goyal Member (Finance)
  3. Roop N. Sunkar Member (Infra)
  4. Naveen Gulati Member (T&RS)
  5. Jaya Varma Sinha Member (O&BD)
  6. Mohit Sinha DG/HR
  7. Brijesh Kumar Gupta AM(CE)
  8. Sharad Mehta AM(L&A)
  9. R.K. Mangla AM(PU)
  10. Rahul Agarwal AM(Signal)
  11. Seema Kumar AM(Traffic)
  12. Devendra Kumar PED(Coaching)
  13. Dr. A.K. Malhotra PED(Health)
  14. Aruna Nayar PED(Staff)
  15. V.G. Bhooma PED(HR)
  16. Deepak Peter Gabriel PED(IR)
  17. Amit Varadan PED(Safety)
  18. S.P.Beck PED(Vig.)
  19. A.K. Chandra PED(W&Dev.)
  20. Rabindra N. Mishra EDF/C&PPP as EDPC
  21. Vinod Bhatia ED(C&IS)
  22. Shrikant V. Janbandhu ED(Coaching)
  23. Sanjeev Kumar ED(E&R)
  24. Pankaj Tyagi ED(L&A)
  25. Rameshwer Meena ED(Signal)
  26. Sudhir Kumar EDE(G)
  27. Sunil Kumar ED(Estt.)
  28. Ravindra Kumar EDE(N)
  29. Rajiv Gandhi EDE(RRB)
  30. P.C. Lochab EDE(Sports)
  31. Kishore Vaibhav EDEE(RS)
  32. Ajeet Kumar Srivastava EDF(X)
  33. Shailendra Singh
  34. ED(EnHM & Project) as EDME(Chg.)
  35. Ajeet Singh Yadav EDRS(P)
  36. Dr.Praval Pant Dir.(IH)
  37. Tribhuvan Misra Dir.(PSU)
  38. Praveen Kumar Dir.E(G)
  39. Harish Chander DE(W)
  40. D. Joseph DE(N)II
  41. N.P.Singh DE(P&A)
  42. Pratima Tripathi DF(A)
  43. Sarika Mohan DIG(Est.)
  44. Hem Chander JDE(IR)
  45. Chhote Lal JDE(LL)
  46. U.K. Tiwari JDE(N)
  47. Jaya Kumar.G DDPC-VII/HRMS
  1. Dr. N. Kanniah, President/AIRF
  2. Shiva Gopal Mishra, Genl. Secy./ AIRF
  3. J.R. Bhosale
  4. Ch. Sankara Rao
  5. K.L. Gupta
  6. C.A. Rajasridhar*
  7. Dinesh Panchal
  8. S.K. Tyagi
  9. R.C. Sharma
  10. Mukesh Mathur
  11. Mukesh Galav
  12. Venu P. Nair*
  13. Goutam Mukherjee
  14. S.N.P. Srivastava
  15. R.D. Yadav
  16. Ashish Biswas
  17. Amit Kr. Ghosh*
  18. K. Srinivas
  19. G.S. Puri
  20. Manoj Behra
  21. Basant Chaturvedi
  22. Amit Kr. Barman*
  23. D.K. Pandey
  24. Praveena Singh
  25. Jaya Agarwal
  26. Champa Verma
  27. Pijush Chakraborty
  28. L.N. Pathak#

* attended on 11.04.2023 only.
# attended on 12.04.2023 only.

Section – A: Introduction

CRB & CEO as Chairman of the meeting welcomed the President/AIRF, General Secretary/AIRF, other representatives of AIRF. He congratulated the Federation for their continued cooperation throughout the year and expressed that employees will continue to work with the same dedication & cooperation and IR will achieve even higher results.

  • CRB&CEO mentioned following best ever achievements recorded in 2022-23 with collective efforts:
    • Highest ever freight loading of 1512 MT, compared to 1418 MT in 2021-22.
    • Highest ever Electrification of 6,542 RKM, compared to 6366 RKm in 2021-22. With this, IR is set to become the largest electrified railway network in the world.
    • Highest ever commissioning of new lines/doubling/gauge conversion including DFC: 5243 kms, as against 2909 kms in 2021-22. Thus, on an average, 14.4 km of track is laid every day.
    • 2nd highest ever Electric Locomotive induction of 1084 in 2022-23, as against 1110 in 2021-22.
    • Highest ever length of 530 kms of track was upgraded to automatic signalling during 2022- 23 as compared to 218 kms in 2021-22
    • 1065 ROBs/ RUBs & 375 FOBs were constructed and 880 level crossing gates were eliminated to enhance safety for trains and passengers.
    • Best ever scrap sales of Rs 5756 Cr vs Rs 5316 Cr in last year
    • Strengthening the supply chain with seamless cargo loading, 30 Gati Shakti Cargo terminals were commissioned 2022-23 as against 21 freight terminals in 2021-22.
    • Yard remodeling was done in 414 stations during 2022-23 in Indian Railways.
  • He applauded all the employees of Railway and their families for their continued efforts and support in enabling Indian Railways to reach new heights.
  • He further mentioned that:-
    • Vande Bharat continues to be the jewel of the nation, connecting different states and cities. It continues to be loved by all citizens and we are making all efforts to maintain production targets.
    • Redevelopment of Stations is also an important focus area. Under Amrit Bharat Station scheme, 1275 stations shall be developed as city centres and to provide passengers with world class facilities at basic prices.
    • One Station One product stalls are very popular among passengers and Zonal Railways have been instructed to proliferate the OSOP Scheme to the fullest potential covering maximum number of stations.
    • Sustained focus will be given to creation of infrastructure in form on Mission 3000 MT by 20230. The investment plan to implement it requires Capex investment of Rs 8.5 Lakh Cr over the next five years.
  • He expressed that with these sustained efforts the modal share will shift toward railways, which will ultimately help in reduction of logistic cost and improve the overall economy.
  • Regarding Manpower, CRB&CEO expressed that our dedicated manpower was our best asset, which continues to work round the clock. He mentioned a few initiatives taken for HR Management and Staff Welfare:-
  • As part of endeavour to bring in transparency in the system, for the first time in the history of Indian Railways Centralised Computer based examinations (CBT) for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in Organised Services were introduced to reduce human interference and time taken for holding these selections.
  • 5,619 Compassionate Ground cases have been settled out of 6,287 pending cases i.e. around 90% cases have been finalised.
  • Finalised 2,021 cases of medical de-categorization, which is more than 91% of the pendency and accrual.
  • Directions have been issued for speedier disposal of mutual transfer and own request transfer cases:
    • As a result, 5,297 case (around 74%) of mutual transfer have been implemented
    • 3,951 cases of Own Request Transfer also have been considered along with 4,828 cases of Inter-Divisional Transfer
  • Scout/Guide & Cultural quota recruitment was started in this financial year after a gap of 2-3 years.
  • Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) and Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs) have taken special efforts to complete the ongoing recruitments namely CEN 01/2019 (NTPC categories), CEN RRC 01/2019 (Level 1) and CEN 03/2019 (Ministerial & Isolated categories):
    • More than 80,000 candidates have been empanelled and more than 70,000 candidates are in process of being empanelled in various categories.
  • Keeping in view of the acute stagnation prevailing amongst supervisors cadre, a two stage upgradation in the pay scales of 46 categories of seven departments have been effected vide RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022.
    • Through this upgradation, 50% of the posts (approx. 87 thousand) in these 46 categories in L-7 were upgraded to L-8
    • Thereafter 50% of these posts were further upgraded to L-9 on non- functional basis after 4 years in L-8.
  • Exercise relating to Cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ categories has been initiated. Committee consisting of staff side and official side has been constituted and the preliminary meeting has also been held.
  • 60 days Special Maternity Leave have been allowed to female railway servants undergoing trauma due to death of child soon after birth/stillbirth.
  • 78 days Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) has been paid to the Railway employees for previous year.
  • Passes/PTOs have been validated for travel in all types of trains including Vande Bharat, Tejas Express trains, etc.
  • Post Retirement Complimentary Pass entitlement of employees retired in different Pay Commission has been rationalised and uniform entitlement on the basis of “Status cum PLPM” has been introduced.
  • Instructions have been issued for adhering to the guidelines for ensuring safety, security and empowerment of women and girls in their workplace.
  • In order to address the evolving needs of Railway servants and their family, a new head named ‘Promotion of Mental Health and Well Being of the employees’ has been introduced in the ‘Staff Benefit Fund’ namely
  • Regarding HRMS, he mentioned that out of all 22 modules of HRMS envisaged to digitise various service and establishment related aspects, 11 modules have been successfully implemented in their entirety across entire Indian Railways and 60% of the HRMS project has been completed by this time. With concerted and sustained efforts on all fronts, the whole HRMS project including all the remaining modules is likely to be implemented in second half of 2023.
  • CRB&CEO hoped that many such initiatives and policy decisions will continue to be taken for benefit of our Railway employees and their family members.
  • CRB&CEO thanked AIRF for their continued cooperation and conveyed his best wishes for the financial year 2023-24.


Dr. N. Kanniah, President/AIRF welcomed CRB&CEO, Board Members and other officers.

He mentioned that the All India Railwaymen Federation, do not differentiate between Railway Officers and Railway men. We treat all of us, as one family i.e. Railway Family.

I would like to recall your memory about the past, present and the future. Before that, I would like to mention about the current performance of Indian Railways.

In the last Financial Year, the Indian Railways had achieved several milestones, one of them being, the Earning of Rs.2.44 Lakh Crores as the Total Revenue and when it was compared with the Preceding Year Revenue of Rs.1.91 Lakh Crores, We have recorded 27.5% of increase in our Total Earnings.

The above milestone was achieved by us, with a record vacancy of 3.12 Lakhs of Railway men in all “Group-C” Cadres. In that, Almost, 50% of the vacancies where existing in Safety Categories, like Station Masters, Loco Pilots, Train Managers and Other Operating / Technical Staff. Yet, we have moved 1512 Million Tonnes of Freight, which was over 6.63% higher than the previous year and also we have achieved the Record Revenue of Rs.57,662.61 Crores in Passenger Segment, Surpassing the last year Passenger Earnings of Rs.33,944.39 Crores and We can Proudly claim that, our Operating Ratio will improve to 96.98%, when compared with previous year figure of 98.93%.

The record performance was achieved only because of the tireless efforts and hard work done by our Esteemed Brother CRB cum CEO & his Team of Officials along with our Brothers and Sisters in the field, all part of our Railway Family.

However, Unfortunately, never before in the history of Indian Railways, almost All Zones have failed to pay OTA, TA and even NDA, right from February 2023 to Our Employees, who are working day-in and day-out. Of course, they were told that, there was no Grant / Fund and it will be paid in the coming months, with arrears.

At the same time, in CRB’s Speech, he had mentioned that, 1,31,000 Employees have been recruited this year and they are going to join into our system, before 31st March 2023 but, when I Pointed out that by that time around 50,000 Employees will also Retire from Service, Our CRB assured that, in future also, the Recruitment process will Continue.

We, the AIRF, appreciate our CRB’s move and also request that, there should be a time bound Calendar for filling up of the Vacancies.

Immediately, under the leadership of AIRF, the Officials of Group ‘A’ Officers Association Met our than Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpaee Ji, and appraised him, about the functioning of Railway System. At that time, the Cabinet Secretary and other higher officials were also present. We explained to them that, Only based on the Merit Order / Ranking in the UPSC Examination, the IAS Officers have been Placed on Top of our Railway Officers and the IAS Officials also based on their Position work in different Department and they Deal with files and take decision based on the Inputs they receive from their office / Field as the Case may be.

Whereas, the Railway Officers Working Culture’s are Entirely different, i.e., Right from their inception, they start their Career as Assistant Officers in field Level in Different Department and they work in Tandem with Group-B and Group-C (Erstwhile Group-D also) Employees and Progress in their Career from Division to Zone and to Apex Level thus gaining Rich / Vast Experience in their Field as well as develop wide Knowledge about other Department too as they work as a Team at every Level. When this was explain to the than Prime Minister by our AIRF Leaders, the move to induct the IAS Officials into Railway System was Given up and the than PM also directed the Top Officials concern not to Proceed with the Move.

Like this, the Same Government, on one fine morning, had issued a G.O. that, the Money value of our PTO & Passes, should be taken as Income and will be brought under Income Tax Net.

We are aware that, Most of Our Railway men and Officers are not using the Entire Eligible Quantum of PTO & Passes, because of their Work Pressure and inability to Avail their Own Leave even in Emergency Most of the Time. They hardly Travel with Family over a Long Distance and uses their Passes / PTO only to visit their Nearest Home towns. But the Government directed to take the Value of To and Fro Travel for the Farthest Distance as Income for the Purpose of Calculating Income Tax despite the fact that, the same was used only for a short Distance and Meagre a Money Value.

Immediately, under the leadership of AIRF, the Group ‘A’ & ‘B’ Officers Associations and RPF Association, has Conducted Several Protests Demonstrations and Agitations all over the Indian Railways and also the AIRF has Launched a Signature Campaign and Lakhs and Lakhs of Railway Employees and Officials signed the Memorandum and the same was submitted to the President, Prime Minister, Finance Minster and Railway Minister and Ultimately and our Unity forced the Government to retract and Withdrew the Order.

During the tenure of the then Government, erstwhile Post & Telecommunication was bifurcated as Postal and Telecommunication Department and Telecommunication was made as a Separate Corporation in the Name of “BSNL” in the year 2000.

Starting from 2004 the than Government, entertained the Private Players and in the name of improving the System, they allowed the Private Players and bought the Components / Materials from Multi Nationals and awarded Licences to Foreign Companies and Introduced the 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G etc., But, deliberately , the than Government did not permitted the BSNL Corporation to Upgrade their Services on Par with Private Players there by the BSNL was Pushed into Red and in debt Traps.

At the same time, I would like to mention that, even after, the mushrooming of International Telecom Companies in India, When the Present Government of India wanted to Lay an Optical Fibre to Andaman, through Bay of Bengal and approached the Private Players to lay the same, they had refused to do that, because they are not able to do the same, Only the State owned 100% Public Limited BSNL and its dedicated Employees alone took up this task and laid the cable through Bay of Bengal Sea to the Andaman’s due to their commitment to the Nation using the vast Experience they have Obtained over the Years.

Three years ago, the present Government had mentioned in the Parliament that, BSNL is running under loss and a VRS Scheme was announced for those, who are willing to go on VRS and the benefits of going on VRS, were also attractively presented before the employees of BSNL and around Rs.3000 Crores was supposed to have been earmarked for granting Compensation / Settlement, to the BSNL employees, going on VRS.

As you are aware that, because of the offer made by the Government, lot of BSNL employees, who were in the Age Group of 45 Years to 55 Years, submitted their request for VRS. After accepting the VRS, it was announced that, the settlement benefits will be given, only after they attain 60 years of age.

The BSNL has more than 75,000 Towers across the Country, for providing communication service across the length and breadth of the Country and now most of the Towers has been leased out to the private players. Thereafter, our GS/AIRF, who is a Convenor of JCM Constituent, myself and other BSNL Employees Federations Officials met the concerned Ministers and top officials and had a meeting on this issue and after a marathon discussion, it was agreed to settle the VRS and other benefits, in a phased manner to the BSNL employees.

Similarly, such situation prevails in the case of Defence Production Units’ employees also. While making the Defence Production Units as a “Corporation”, it was agreed that, their lien will be maintained for a period of 2½ years. Initially, for first six months, they were getting their salary, on the first day of calendar month. After six months, their salaries were paid only between 10th & 15th, like how it happened in Air India and BSNL. When the Employees protested for not getting salary in the first of calendar month, the Corporation Officials informed that, they had to borrow Rs.278 Crores from other sources. Not only that, they were not getting any settlement and pension also.

Like in the case of BSNL, as usual, our GS/AIRF, JCM Convenor, myself and Officials of Defence Employees Federations, met the Defence Ministers and other top officials and after discussion, they announced that, there will be settlement of dues and pension also.

Coming back to the present issue, I am not able to understand that, why the Government of India wants to Privatize, Corporatize and Monetize the Indian Railways. We are aware that, Our Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and the present Railway Minister had mentioned in the Parliament that, Indian Railways will not be Privatized. At the same time, they said, We have to Compete with Corporate and Foreign Companies.

Initially, it was announced that, 150 Trains, 12 Clusters and also 109 Train Routes were proposed to be Privatized. How Air India was given to the Private Players, like that, they wanted to give to the private players and Railways started with Tejas Express. But, there were no takers. The same New Delhi-Mumbai-Ahmedabad Tejas Express was given to IRCTC. After that, instead of Privatization, they changed the name as “Monetization”.

They wanted to give 165 Good Sheds and 400 Stations, But, that is also not worked out, as there are no takers.

I would like to mention that, there is no difference between “Privatization” and “Monetization”. “Monetization” means selling our assets or leasing out assets. Again, the Railway Ministry had announced that, Rs.1,52,000 Crores worth of assets will be monetized, by selling or leasing out of assets. That also did not work out. At the same time, I am not blaming the Railway Board, because we are aware, eventually what is going to happen. Even, the Railway Ministry will not be able to do anything, because directions are coming from “Niti Aayog” and other top level Ministries.

Again, the Railway Ministry wanted to privatize 90 Trains in Konkan Railway, 200 Stations, 165 Goods Sheds, 761 KMs Track and Railway Colonies. That also did not work out, because there were no takers. The Foreign Companies and Corporates are aware that, in Indian Railways AIRF and their Affiliates, are very strong and without their co-operation, it is difficult to run the System, because of that only, they were hesitant to Participate in the Railways Proposed Plan.

Sir, now I would like to discuss about the future. Initially, “Niti Aayog” had mentioned that, we have to follow the PPP Model. The same “Niti Aayog” came out and mentioned that, PPP Model has failed and they announced that, “EPC Model” will be followed, i.e. “Engineering Procurement and Construction”, wherein, the Contractor would be made responsible for all activities, right from Designing, Procuring, Constructing, Commissioning and finally handing over the deliverables to the owner or operator, with funding from Government. On this aspect, I would like to give an example, wherein at Chennai Egmore, in the name of EPC, initially they allotted Rs.750 Crores, for re- development of Chennai Egmore Station and also construct Malls and they had taken land area up to Old Dasa Prakash areas. Then, they allotted Rs.1100 Crores for this development.

Here, I would like to mention, Sir, in Chennai, there is very famous and oldest Mall in Tamil Nadu, by name “Spencer Mall” and it was doing very well. Ten years ago, another “City Centre” Mall was constructed by a Dubai Company. Then, “Spectrum Mall” came up and six months later, “Express Avenue Mall” came up. Recently, “Phoenix Mall” near Velacherry came up. What we are seeing now is, as and when a New Mall comes up, the existing Malls start losing footfalls and there are many Shops in such Malls, remaining vacant, for months and years together. When the situation is like this, why, Tax Payers’ money should be wasted in these projects. I have every right to mention this, because we are also tax payers. Our money involved is Rs.1700 Crores.

If we construct a Mall or Shopping Complex, it is not going to fetch any profit. Unnecessarily, we are going to waste our money. Why I am mentioning this is, our CLW in the year 2019, produced 431 AC Locomotives and on 28-03-2013, produced 12 AC Locomotives on a single day. Whereas, now, the CLW is totally ignored and a contract is signed with M/s. Siemens, which is worth Rs.26,000/- Crores for supply of 12,000 Locomotives of 9000 Horse Power in the coming years. When CLW can produce the Locomotives under “Make in India” concept, why, the CLW is being ignored?

I would like to mention that, ICF made “Train 18” Set, at a cost of Rs.98 Crores and it was doing well. The name was changed as “Vande Bharat” and now we are given to understand that, making of 112 “Vande Bharat” Trains will be allotted to Lattur Manufacturing Facility, at a cost of Rs.27,000 Crores. The Men, material, space etc., will be supplied by the Indian Railways. Salary of staff will be paid by the Indian Railways for manufacturing the Train Sets, in the name of Buy Back System. It is understood that, Railway Ministry will buy each Train Set, at a cost of Rs.127 Crores. Unfortunately, the Train Sets will be maintained by the private players. It is learnt that, for maintenance of such Train Set, each year, 3.5% of the Train Set cost will be borne by the Indian Railways, for 35 years, i.e. Rs.4 Crores and 45 Lakhs per year, per Train Set.

Also it is reliably learnt that, manufacturing of Vande Bharat Trains are given to Russian TMH as a Joint Venture with RVNL, at a cost of Rs.120 Crores per set and also Titagarh- BHEL JV will be given for manufacture of 80 Vande Bharat Train Sets, at a cost of Rs.140 Crores.

We are aware of the constraints and restrictions, under which, the Railway Board is forced to implement these projects. We are also aware that, because of the excessive pressure, Board was forced to accept the above and we also know eventually what is going to happen in these projects.

My humble request to you, Sir, unless we are all united, in the interest of “Save Indian Railways” and “Save Nation”, a delegation comprising of Railway men, from the highest level to the lowest level, with the permission of the Hon’ble Minister for Railways, should go and represent to the highest level of Government of India, appraise them, the real situation and also convince the top level officials of Government of India that, Sisters and Brothers of Railway Family, comprising Employees and Officials together, can achieve anything under the principles of “Make in India” and there won’t be any requirement for offloading of All our Indigenous activities Carried out by our Railways.

Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary AIRF

1. A calendar should be issued for holding PNM Meetings as also meetings of the DC/JCM regularly.

2. It is understood that, around 1,48,000 vacancies are being filled-up out of 2,56,000 vacancies currently available in Indian Railways. However, by the end of the year 2023, the number of vacancies shall again become around 2,50,000, as such process of the recruitment should continue, so that, a large-number of vacancies do not exist on Indian Railways.

3. Although, on vigorous persuasions by AIRF, Course Completed Railway Act Apprentices have been recruited against 20% Quota earmarked for them, however, there are various problems, particularly in regard to Batch No.109 that belongs to the year 2019. Applications of around 3000 Course Completed Railway Act Apprentices of the said batch have also been accepted online and they have been declared pass as well, and some of them have undergone medical examination for the purpose of recruitment, but during the process of documents verification they are being denied appointment on flimsy grounds. It is requested that, since they have already passed all the examinations and all the requisite documents are now available with them, they should also be absorbed, along with other Course Completed Railway Act Apprentices, in the Railways as there are still large-number of vacancies existing against this quota. Apart from this, some of the Act Apprentices are not being considered on other grounds of certification in regard to reservation, overage, disability, passing medical examination in C-1, B-2 medical classification. Since these Act Apprentices have qualified under 20% Quota reserved for them, they should not be denied appointment and considered for their absorption in the Railways. AIRF has requested that the DG(HR), in consultation with the EDE(N) and ED(T&MPP), Railway Board, should examine this issue in detail in association with the Representatives of AIRF and relief should be given to these Course Completed Railway Act Apprentices.

4. In situ upgradation of 30% post in Level 1(GP Rs.1800) to Level 2(GP Rs.1900) already agreed to by the former CRB & CEO and FC.

5. Immediate review of the instructions issued by Railway Board under RBE No.105/2022 dated 30.08.2022 in regard to Running Staff.

6. Residency Period for restructuring of the leftover Supervisory Staff (in erstwhile GP of Rs.4600) from Level-8(GP Rs.4800) to 9(GP Rs.5400) should be reduced from 04 years to 02 years as in all other cases of promotion it is 02 years.

7. Waive off the Recovery from the staff given benefit of fixation of pay on promotion between 01.01.2006 to 30.08.2008 under RBE No.33/2016.

8. Acceptance of the Inter Railway and Division own request transfer of the staff in the wake of new recruitment panels.

9. Benefit of free electricity, announced by various State Governments, should also be extended to the occupants of the Railway Accommodation as Railway Administrations are levied Electricity Charges at par with other consumers of the Electricity Boards.

10. Instructions in regard to the norms and procedure for recruitment, incentives and out-of-turn promotions for the Sportspersons are required to be consolidated and all the instructions should be issued in a single letter; superseding all the previous one.

11. Existing provisions regarding transfer of Track Maintainer to other Departments under Intake Quota are to be modified, considering the suggestions given by the Federation, and necessary instructions may be issued early.

12. Arbitrary surrender of the posts without consultation of the Recognised Unions.

13. Written Examination for promotion as Sr. Clerk should be dispensed with.

14. Yardsticks of the CLI, considering counselling of ALPs also.

15. Dog Box in LHB Coaches in the cabin of Trains Manager is creating arduous condition, which is very difficult to sail with.

16. Age old policies related to staff matters are being revised by the Railway Board frequently without prior consultation with the Recognised Federation.

17. C.G. Appointment to the second wife was raised by the Federation long back, to which orders were issued by the Railway Board, but these orders were implemented from the date of issue of the letter, which is defeating the purpose as earlier cases are not being covered for whom it was raised by the Federation.

18. Railway Board’s orders regarding merger of the Elect. and Mech. Cadres are not being implemented on any Railway even after regular persuasions of our affiliated unions.

19. Redistribution of the staff has created a situation that the General Services Cadre is becoming nil, leaving no space for any further redistribution of the staff for TRD, Signal Cadre and newly created assets. Situation is alarming to consider creation of posts in such areas.

20. GDCE is not being conducted regularly by many Railway Zones.

21. No significant improvement is seen in the TTEs Running Rooms.

22. Railway Board’s orders of 2007 to provide Wrist Watch to Track Maintainers/Keymen/Mate/ Gatemen are not being implemented.

23. Federation is demanding to give financial upgradation to Trains Manager under MACPS since very long time, but the decision from the Railway Board is still awaited.

24. There is policy not to transfer SM, on rotation basis, performing only train passing duties, but the same was not being followed by ECR.

25. Federation is not agreed to Railway Board’s proposal regarding delegation of the powers to transfer an office bear of the Recognised Federation/Union from GM to DRM. AIRF strongly opposes this action of the Railway Board.

26. Undue harassment of the Running Staff

  • Running Staff are being asked to deposit their mobile phones, and after signing off they will not be allowed to contact their families during rest hours. CLIs will be sent to their homes for counselling their families.
  • Railway Board have abolished the post of Loco Pilot(Shunting) arbitrarily – Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG) I-2022/PM 7/10 dated 10.11.2022).
  • Report of the High Power Committee, constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri D.P. Tripathi, to review duty hours of Running and other Safety Related Categories of Staff, regarding imposition of lighter punishment in case of SPAD incidences, has been thrown in the waste paper bucket and these staff are being Removed/Dismissed vehemently.
  • Even in SPAD Cases(resulting in due to defective instruments) these staff are being victimised because of the JPO issued by the Railway Board vide letter No.2022/M(N)/60/3(E-3387858) dated 17.01.2023.
  • Crew are forced to work beyond the duty hours, and they are being punished for non-performance of walkie-talkie. The Crew are not being provided with Periodical Rest, and even they are not permitted leave even for genuine reasons. Links have been tightened in such a way, where Crew is being treated as not a human being, but is being forced to work as a machine.
  • Overtime Allowance, due to Running Staff, is being denied or delayed many a times.
  • Asstt. Loco Pilots are being forced to work as Trains Manager without making them familiar to the route and imparting them proper training.
  • Running Staff are being booked frequently and forced to stay in front of the Branch/Asstt. Branch Offices throughout the day, which is most humiliating.
  • Running Staff are also being forced to go to Training Schools without any rhyme and reason, which is sheer wastage of manpower.
  • Though there are orders for payment of Minimum Guaranteed Mileage of 120 km, regrettably it is not being implemented, and nowadays, Loco Pilots, Trains Manager, CLIs, giving their best to the Railways, are being deprived of GP Rs.4600, 4800 and 5400.
  • Running Staff who had requested for Inter-Railway Transfer or Inter-Divisional Transfer are not being allowed forcefully.
  • Working hours of Running Staff should be reduced to maximum 06 hours due to increase in the speed of the Mail and Express Trains, keeping in view constant vigil and upgradation of the modern signalling system.
  • 08 and 16 hours Rest Rules of the Running Staff are not being followed, which were decided after having marathon discussions with the Federations, even when the COVID-19 situation is over.
  • Payment of Allowance in Lieu of Kilometrage(ALK) to Drivers and Guards for COVID-19 period.
  • The quality of the food, being provided at the subsidised rates by the outside agencies, is not satisfactory, and the complainants are being harassed, especially in ER.
  • Occupational Health and Safety of the Running Staff is a matter of worry since a large-number of young LPs/ALPs are being de-categories on various ground, like hearing, anxiety, etc. etc., which should be looked into seriously.

27. Closure of Railway Printing Presses – Review of the decision – The date of closure of 05 Railway Printing Presses be further extended by one-year and detailed discussion to review the decision should be done in the better interest of the employees and the Railways. It is further requested that, till final decision in the matter is arrived, in consultation with the Recognized Federations, any action to dispose Machinery/ Assets of the Railway Printing Presses should be halted.

AIRF’s letters No.AIRF/PNM/35/2018 dated March 25, 2023 addressed to the Chairman & CEO, Railway Board and subsequent letter No.AIRF/PNM/35/2018(107) dated March 28, 2023 addressed to Hon’ble Minister for Railways.

28. Grant of extension of Incentive Bonus to Design Supervisors of ICF.

29. Mutual Transfer of the staff in Level-1(GP Rs.1800) belonging to two different Cadres/ Departments.

30. There is no provision of downloading HRMS, HIMS, RESS and UMID Apps in the iPhone/iOS.

31. Surrender of posts only to meet with Annual Targets is not justified. Detail study of each activity needs to be done before surrendering any post, and Recognized Union at the Zonal/Divisional level should also be taken into confidence to avoid any discontentment.

32. Traffic Apprentices(selected through RRB) have higher cut off percentage and also they undergo two years training of SM, Yard and Section Controllers. Keeping in view their multi-skilling, entry level of GP 4600 (Level – 8 of the 7th CPC) should be considered for them.

33. Amendment in the limits, Under Rule 18, Sub-Rule(3) and Sub-Rule(5), Clause(a), was done vide Railway Board’s letter dated 11.07.2011. The limit of two months’ basic pay was fixed Under Rule 18. Limit for Rule 18 should be enhanced to six months’ basic pay, both for moveable and immovable property.

34. As an Ideal Employer Railway Board should frame some guidelines to provide light jobs to female staff, during advanced stage of pregnancy, who are performing stressful and arduous nature of duties.

35. Medical facility be allowed to dependent wards who have lost both of their parents and drawing Family Pension.

36. AIRF requests the Railway Board to provide Resting Facility in the Running Rooms all over the Indian Railways to AC Escorting Staff too.

37. Implementation of the judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered in Civil Appeal No.2811 of 2022 (arising from SLP(Civil) No.6526/2022 – Diary No.27620/2020) in respect of Commission Vendors in Railways.

38. AIRF is of considered opinion that the initial conditions imposed by Railway Board vide letter dated 22.09.2014 for insisting upon senior person posted as Track Maintainer-I to work as Gangmate and junior persons in Track Maintainer-I to work as Keyman, were on the basis that the prescribed percentage in the category of Track Maintainer-I GP Rs.2800 was only 3% to 6 %, which has now been increased to 10%. Further, percentage distribution for Track Maintainer-II GP Rs.2400 has also been enhanced to 20%, therefore, Track Maintainers-III and Track Maintainers-II working as Gateman, Trolleyman, Trackman or Gatekeepers should not be insisted for any such undertaking, rather it should be left with ADE(N)/DE(N) concerned to consider suitable Track Maintainers-II GP Rs.2400 for duties of Mate, Gatekeepers, Trolleyman or Track Maintainers(Keyman) as per administrative requirements while considering them for promotions to the post of Track Maintainer-I GP Rs.2800. Moreover, instructions also be reiterated that the prescribed medical standards ‘B-1’ for Gangmate, Keyman, Track Maintainer, be continued, so that, eligible suitable Track Maintainers may not be deprived of their legitimate right for promotion under Cadre Restructuring elaborated above. – Ref. AIRF’s letter No.AIRF/78(118) dated 07.04.2022 to Rly. Bd.

39. Railway Board’s letter No.2022/RS(G)/709/1 dated 22.02.2022, for shifting purchase procurement activity from RCF/TKJ to KXH, was issued by the Railway Board without prior consultation with the Recognised Union. Thus, this letter should be withdrawn immediately or kept in abeyance till final decision arrives in this regard.

40. Ban on creation of posts in Railways is continuing for about last seven years. However, in view of the importance of new assets, Railway Board in various orders, continuing to issue different methods for creation of posts for new assets, which includes last orders issued vide letter No. E(MPP)2021/1/13 dated 25.03.2021(RBE No. 24/2021) for redistribution of posts in terms of SOP 2018 as well as transfer of posts and grades as an interim arrangement. Currency of such interim arrangement has been extended for another one year beyond 24.03.2022 which is expired recently and further orders are awaited. As a result of which, the cadre of general services left very meager and the works of general services are being outsourced. Operating, Mechanical and S&T Departments are also facing same problem for their new assets. In view of the above, in the larger interest of better maintenance of such new assets and being safety category, adequate posts, as per yard stick, need to be created.

41. Provide Resting Facility in Running Rooms to AC Escorting Staff too and withdraw contemptible instructions contained in SCR/SC’s letter No.C/E/227/5/1/AC dated 17.03.2023.

42. Railway Board vide RBE No.137/2016 dated 29.11.2016 issued instructions for computation of pension with addition of 55% Pay Element to Medically De-categorized Running Staff who opt for voluntary retirement within one-month from the date of offer of the first alternative post.

Clear guidelines be issued to all the Zonal Railways to allow pensionary benefits, by adding 55% Pay Element, to Medically De-categorized Running Staff, who opt for voluntary retirement. Fresh opportunity to opt should also be provided to them.

43. Inhuman Roster of the Trackmen working in Metro Railway, Kolkata.

Continuous Night Roster of the Trackmen should be rectified and pre-Pandemic Roster be implemented to provide proper rest and relief to them from Continuous Night Roster as sufficient number of contractual Trackmen are available.

44. Earlier, Railway Board permitted Zonal Railways to fill up vacancies of the Doctors, caused due to their proceeding on Study Leave, by engaging CMP Doctors. Unfortunately, Railway Board vide letter No.2022/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 06.02.2023 addressed to GM(P)/SCR have issued instructions to South Central Railway not to fill-up vacancies of the Doctors, caused due to their proceeding on Study Leave, by engaging CMP Doctors.

45. Necessary instructions/clarification be issued to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units regarding admissibility of medical facility and FMA to Widowed/Divorced/Unmarried Daughters who are Family Pensioners. UMID Cards should also be issued to them for availing medical facility.

46. Medical facilities to the dependent children after death of both the parents under RELHS-97.

47. Deployment of the Lady ALP/LP and other female staff on light jobs during advanced stage of pregnancy.

48. Consolidated guidelines regarding MACPS – Counting of ad hoc service regularized without break for the purpose of MACP.

49. ECR has established a lobby in a very insensitive forest area of DHN Divn. having no facility of housing, water supply, electricity, schooling facility to the children, etc. etc. Federation demand Remote Place Packet for the staff being deputed on such lobby.

50. Recruitment against Sports/Scouting/Cultural Quota is not being considered by ECR.

51. Policy of long haul freight train fitness to be given by Driver and Trains Manager be reviewed.

52. Cadre Restructuring of Time Office Staff, especially over ER and PLW/PTA is not being done, which should be looked into on priority.

53. The proposal sent by various Zonal Railways for recognition of the Training Centres/Schools are pending since long in Railway Board’s Office, resulting in debarring Teaching Allowance to the Instructors.

54. Lactic mother should be exempted from the Rotational Transfer.

55. Railway Board’s orders regarding consideration of requests of the staff, seeking inter-railway/ divisional transfer by arranging Reliever from newly recruited candidates, are not being followed in true spirit in many Zones, especially in N.F. Railway.

56. Decision taken by the Chairman Railway Board, in the meeting of the Divisional and Railway Board Officials held on 17.07.2018, regarding one-time option by the Lady Staff in Engg. Deptt., Loco Pilot and Guard’s Category for their change of categories(reflected at S.No.10 of the Record Note of Discussion) is not being adhered to by the Zonal Railways.

57. Secretarial Assistance being paid to Zonal and Divisional PREM Offices has not been revised since 2010. It is hardly possible to manage PREM Office with that meagre amount in today’s circumstances.

58. Long pending Cadre Restructuring of the leftover categories be considered on priority.

59. Recovery from the staff granted financial upgradation under MACPS should be stopped forthwith.

60. Overtime Allowance to SMs(GP of Rs.4600) in ECoR is not being paid since long.

61. In RWF/YNK BRI Staff and in ICF/Chennai and other PUs and Workshops Drawing & Design and CMT Staff are not being paid Incentive/PCO Allowance, which needs to be paid to them.

62. Railway Electrification Office, Allahabad should not be closed and allow to continue by giving it some other activities, which is in offing.

63. Shri Sanjay Kumar, CWLI/NR, working as A.M. in the CRIS, has been repatriated to Northern Railway without any of his fault. He should be taken back to CRIS.

64. The issue of wrong deduction of the Income Tax on 70% T.A. Element from Loco Running Staff, raised many times by AIRF, should be resolved in consultation with the CBDT and MoF(DoE).


Section – B: Minutes


23/2016: Development of the S&T Workshops in Indian Railways.

Item may be treated as finalised.



26/2018: Restructuring of the cadre of the Track Maintainers.

Demand of AIRF for granting GP 4200/- to Sr. Technician to be at par with other Technical Departments will be examined in consultation with HR Department.

49/2018: Working problems of the JE/ SSE(P.Way) over the Indian Railways.

Item may be treated as finalised. A copy of the new manual inspection schedule may be provided to the Federation.


11/2023: Provision of double Patrolmen and revision of conditions of duty of Trackman

A separate meeting was held in December, 2022 with CRB & CEO by representatives of AIRF. Follow up action thereto will be completed on priority. With induction of new Trackmen, the vacancies in Track Maintenance Cadre are likely to be filled up. Zonal Railways will be asked to evaluate patrolling chart to give suggestions to take care of concerns of Federation.


12/2009: Grant of PCO Allowance/Incentive Bonus to technical staff supporting shops/ Sections (including CMT/C&M Lab.), Drawing/Design, I.T. Power Supply and Stores etc.) – in Railway Workshops and Production Units- Treating them as part of Inspection, Planning & Progress wings of PCO.

To be discussed again in a separate meeting with AM(PU).

54/2012: Modification of RITES Incentive Scheme – Approval of the Railway Board.

Reply awaited from SCR. After receipt of clarification, the case will be put up for Board’s approval. To be discussed again in a separate meeting with AM(PU).

24/2014: Indiscriminate outsourcing in Production Units.

To be discussed again in a separate meeting with AM(PU). 30/2014: Payment of Incentive to Rail Wheel Factory Staff. To be discussed again in a separate meeting with AM(PU).


59/2006: Maintenance of Railway Colonies.
49/2016: Drastic reduction in allotment of fund on staff amenities under Plan Head-52.

Instructions will be issued for provision of Defect Liability Period (DLP) of two years in the newly constructed Railway Quarters for quality control.

02/2022: Construction of the Railway Quarters for Running Staff at the locations where new Headquarters of Crew have been created

Item may be finalised.



55/2012: Sanction of adequate manpower for Central Hospital, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

14/2014: AVC for the categories where there is no avenue of promotion of Group ‘B’ staff etc.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

15/2015: Creation of posts of various categories of paramedical staff in Medical Department on the basis of yardsticks issued by the Railway Board.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

39/2016: Abrupt enhancement in per-capita charges for the treatment of staff and their family members employed in Railway Co-operative Thrift & Credit Societies/ Banks and other quasi-administrative offices, including Recognized Unions and Federations, for treatment in Railway Hospitals.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

36/2018: Reimbursement of medical claim cases.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

50/2018: Amendment/withdrawal of the foot notes below the Item No.58 of the Model SoP 2017(medical matters).

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

01/2022: Provision of Robotic Surgery in NRCH, New Delhi.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

17/2022: Provision of upgradation of Sub-Divisional Railway Hospital, Patratu in Dhanbad Division of East Central Railway.

A separate meeting will be held on all Items pertaining to Health Directorate.

12/2023: Mismanagement in functioning of Divisional Hospital, Raipur(SECR).

PED(Health) will personally visit the hospital and the issue will be examined in the separate meeting to be held.

29/2023: Medical invalidation of Railway Employees on ground of Psychiatric illness.

The issue will be examined further in a separate meeting to be held.


01/2021: Faulty procedure/policy of conducting D&AR Enquiry in Vigilance Cases.

Issue will be examined in detail.


19/2022: Re-marshalling of AC Coaches with Power/Generator Car in Mail/Express Trains.

Issue will be examined on various options available.


02/2015: Restoration of process of recruitment of Motorman from open market through RRB in case of Metro Railway Kolkata.

Notifications have been issued from various Zonal Railways for induction of Motorman with a time-limit of 15th May, 2023. After the options are received, the matter will be re-examined for exploring the ways to fill up the post.

24/2021: Air-conditioning of Power Cabins/Route Relay Interlocking Cabins.

The list of concerned Station Power Cabins may be referenced by Federation. Thereafter, the matter may be re-examined.


37/2012: Genuine grievances of AC Mechanics in Technician grades.

ICF has issued drawing to Zonal Railways. It will be completed in one PoH cycle.


35/2018: Indiscriminate outsourcing plan of printing of books and forms used in the Railways.

Will be discussed separately.


11/2021: Bringing together all the stations of Northern, North Eastern and North Central Railways in and around Allahabad City Area under Administrative Control of NCR.

Under examination.


05/2006: Avenues of promotion of Senior Supervisor in Scale S-13 to S-14 Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) on railways.

Federation suggested that the residency period may be reduced from four years to two years and item may be treated as finalised thereafter. The new demand will be examined.


07/2010: Inclusion of left out categories of the staff working in Railway Hospitals of the Indian Railways for the purview of Hospital Patient Care Allowance.

Item may be treated as finalised.


18/2012: Payment of Breakdown Overtime Allowance to Mechanical Supervisors(C&W) – Mechanical Department.

The matter is under consideration.

24/2013: Payment of Special Allowance to Traffic Gatemen deployed to work on Level Crossing Gates.

The matter may be reviewed.

60/2016: Review of RRs, upgradation of pay scales and change in nomenclature of designations of the Medical Lab. Staff of the Indian Railways.

After receipt of NFIR’s reply w.r.t. the proposal, the matter will be processed for seeking approval of Competent Authority.

03/2018: Denial of opportunity of exercising option as provided for in RBE No.95/2013 of the Railway Board, to retired railway employees.

Reply of AIRF received. The matter is under examination.

24/2018: Granting of annual increment either from 1st January or from 1st July in terms of Para 10 of the Railway Services(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Reply received from NWR. This item is identical to Item No. 15/2021. Federation demanded that a reference may be made to MoF.

30/2018: Implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations with regard to upgrading of pay scales of six categories of posts.

The letter under reference was provided to the Federation during the meeting. The matter is under examination.

33/2018: Benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS to Train Guards.

The Federation demanded for a separate meeting in the matter.

37/2018: Payment of Risk and Hard Duty Allowance to various categories of Railwaymen and improvement therein.

Issue has already been deliberated by the Committee on R&H Allowance which is under consideration of Board.

41/2018: Unjustified denial of payment of Risk and Hard Duty Allowance to the Trackmen working in the Construction Organization.

Issue has already been deliberated by the Committee on R&H Allowance which is under consideration of Board.

53/2018: (ii & iii) Problems of the Traffic Staff over the Indian Railways.

Recommendations of the Committee may be brought out and order may be issued accordingly.

60/2018: Allotment of pay scale of Grade Pay Rs.2000 (level 3 in terms of 7th CPC) in favour of entry level pay of Dressers.

Will be examined in a separate meeting.

23/2018: Grant of MACP to the SOMs/Sr. PWSs of the Civil Engineering Department.
25/2021: Grant of MACP to SOMs/ Sr. PWSs of Civil Engg. Department

Will be examined in a separate meeting.

15/2021: Grant of next increment in revised pay structure – 7th CPC.

Issue is identical to 24/2018. Federation demanded that a reference may be made to MoF, which will be considered.

22/2021: Fixation of pay of the employees who got promoted to the post of higher pay level after being granted the benefit of pay fixation on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS.

Federation was asked to submit a reply to Board’s letter. The issue will be examined thereafter.

28/2021: Parity in pay-scale of ECG Technicians in Indian Railways, vis-a-vis those of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

The issue will be examined in a separate meeting.

03/2022: Fixation of pay of School Teachers on allotment of Senior Grade/Selection Grade after completion of 12/24 years of service.

The Federation demanded for separate meeting in the matter.

06/2022: Counting of 50% service rendered by Casual Labour for reckoning of 10, 20 and 30 years service under MACPS.

The Federation demanded for separate meeting in the matter.

10/2022: Regulation of MACP of employees transferred on reversion on request.

Matter will be reviewed in light of submission made by Federation.

14/2022: Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Railway Services(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 – Allowing another opportunity for exercising option.

It was apprised that MoF categorically stated in their latest instructions that no further request for extension of date of relaxation of condition in exercising of options will be entertained in any circumstance. Federation insisted on making a reference again, feasibility of the same will be examined.

01/2023: Stepping-up of pay of Chief Loco Inspectors at par with their juniors.

The Federation agreed to send details of such cases which have been left uncovered, thereafter the matter will be examined in detail.

03/2023: Regulation of financial upgradation under MACPS to those staff who were promoted between 01.01.2006 and 29.08.2008 with the benefit of fixation of pay in the grades which stand merged and replaced with common grade pay pursuant to recommendation of the 6th CPC.

The recoveries that are arising out may be kept on hold and the matter will be taken up.

05/2023: Consideration of the recommendations of the committee constituted for formulating a new Safety Related Retirement Scheme.

Issue is under examination.

13/2023: Implementation of recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission regarding grant of Hospital Patient Care Allowance/Patient Care Allowance to Government Employees.

The Federation demanded to further examine the matter.

19/2023 (ii): Career progression and related issues of Optometrist working in Railway Hospitals.

Under examination.

20/2023: Allotment of higher pay scales to Railway Accounts Staff.

The Federation demanded to further examine the matter.

27/2023: Payment of Special Duty Allowance(SDA) to Running staff working in N.E.Region by adding 30% Pay Element.

The Federation demanded to further examine the matter.


09/2021: Timely holding of GDCE/LDCE “Open to All”.

Federation demanded that a letter may be issued to Zonal Railways on GDCE regarding clarification on GDCE. Federation asked to submit suggestion.

09/2022: Speed Test for the post of Jr. Clerk/Sr. Clerk – Reg.

Federation demanded that letter issued by Board’s office need to be reviewed/ revised.

11/2022: Recruitment against Cultural and Scout and Guide Quota.



12/2022: Payment of settlement dues to staff retiring from Construction Organisation.

Instructions issued by Board’s office need to be reiterated.

28/2022: Exemption of Single mother employees from the purview of periodical transfer to other stations.

Request of AIRF is to include lactating mother. Noted for issuing of necessary instructions. The item may be treated as finalised thereafter.


29/2022: Compassionate Ground Appointment as Senior Section Engineer (SSE) – Level -7.



09/2023: Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of Commercial-cum- Ticket Clerk, GP Rs.2000 (Level-3 of the 7th CPC) against 33-1/3% and 16-2/3% quotas – Preparation of inter-se-seniority.



14/2023: Filling up of the vacancies in the category of Traffic Assistant in Level-4 in Pay Matrix(7th CPC) in Traffic Department/Metro Railway/Kolkata against 20% Departmental Promotion Quota.

The issue will be re-examined.

18/2023: Appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Cases of second wife and her wards.

Legal advice awaited.

19/2023 (i): Career progression and related issues of Optometrist working in Railway Hospitals.

Under examination.

25/2023: Conduct of selections – both Rankers and LDCE Quota.

Issue will be re-examined.

26/2023: Grant of One-time exemption for promotion of the Appendix-II qualified Accounts Clerk to the post of JAA against Direct Recruitment Quota- Specially over SCR.

Issue will be re-examined.

28/2023: Inordinate delay in filling up of huge vacancies in Safety and Non- Safety Categories – Reg.

Large number of recruitments are underway and the same will be utilised for filling up of safety category vacancies to the extent feasible.

SECTION – C: Summary

Total Items Items discussed Items could not be discussed Items finalized Balance
166 = 136 Old +30 New 69 97 9 157

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