Exclusion of employees of Regional Rural Banks from the purview of EPF & MP Act, 1952: EPFO Clarification vide No. (E-47198) /2244 dated 03.07.2023

Exclusion of employees of Regional Rural Banks from the purview of EPF & MP Act, 1952: EPFO Clarification vide No. (E-47198) /2244 dated 03.07.2023

Exclusion of employees of Regional Rural Banks from the purview of EPF & MP Act, 1952: EPFO Clarification vide No. (E-47198) /2244 dated 03.07.2023


Head Office, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan,
14, Bhikaiji Cama Place. New Delhi-110066

No: (E-47198) /2244

Dated: 03.07.2023

All ACC-HQs/ All ACCs,
All RPFC-Is / OICs,

Sub: Clarification in the matter of Exclusion of employees of Regional Rural Banks from the purview of EPF & MP Act, 1952

Ref: C-Ex/Misc./Comp. Audit/2008/2473 dated 21.06.2011 (a copy enclosed).


With reference to above cited subject and reference, it is informed that several communications were received from various offices seeking clarifications on the subject matter, in this regard, the matter has been examined at the level of WSU and legal view has also been taken in the matter.

2. It is to inform you that the transfer of account is regulated by section 17 A of the EPF act and para 28 of the scheme. The exclusion is similar to exemption as, in both cases, the funds are to be transferred from EPF to another Fund. So, if there is no specific situation dealt with in the Act or the scheme, the treatment of exclusion and exemption shall be similar.

3. Accordingly, all field offices are directed to strictly adhere to the guidelines issued vide circular under reference. All zonal offices are requested to ensure compliance of the instructions in their respective regional offices.

Encl: As above

(M.S.K.V Satyanarayana)

Copy to:

  1. FA & CAO, Director (PDNASS) All ACC(HQ) (Head Office, All ACCs (Head Office)
  2. ISD for necessary action please.

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