Down-gradation of posts – Cadre Restructuring: Guidelines by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide OM No. 752985/2018/E.Coord.I dated 13.04.2018

Down-gradation of posts – Cadre Restructuring: Guidelines by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide OM No. 752985/2018/E.Coord.I dated 13.04.2018

Down-gradation of posts – Cadre Restructuring: Guidelines by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide OM No. 752985/2018/E.Coord.I dated 13.04.2018

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department-of Expenditure

North Block, New Delhi
Dated, the 13th April, 2018

Office Memorandum

In continuation to this Department’s O.M. dated 12.04.2017 whereby guidelines regarding Creation, Revival, Continuation and Transfer of posts were issued, it has been decided that “A Ministry or Department competent to make appointment to pests in any cadre may make appointments in a lower post in the cadre to the extent of vacancies left unfilled in the higher post.” The following guidelines must be followed in this regard:-

I. The dispensation for down-gradation of posts may be exercised when candidates are not eligible in the feeder grade for promotion against the available post(s) in normal course due to reasons of not completing the required’ minimum qualifying service as prescribed in Recruitment Rules.

II. The dispensation for down-gradation of posts may also be exercised when it is not possible to obtain relaxation in qualifying service due to the fact that relaxation required from DoP&T is for a period of more than one year. The higher level posts, to be operated on lower level, should be directly in the hierarchy of the lower post;

III. Total number of sanction posts in the feeder grade and in the higher-grade in a cadre should not exceed the combined Sanctioned’ strength of two grades where such operation of posts at lower level is considered.

IV. This may be done in consultation with Financial Adviser of concerned Ministry/Department.

This issues with the approval of Finance Minister.

(Renu Sarin)
Deputy Secretary to Govt. of India

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