Age limit for selection to the post of J.E. against 15% LDCE Quota in Bridge Organisation under Civil Engineering Department: RBE No. 92/2023
RBE No 92/2023
(रेलवे बोर्ड /RAILWAY BOARD)
New Delhi, dated 18.07.2023
The General Manager (P),
ALL Indian Railways
(As per Standard List)
Sub: Age limit for selection to the post of J.E. against 15% LDCE Quota in Bridge Organisation under Civil Engineering Department
As Railways are aware, in terms of extant instructions, upper age limit for appearing in selection to the post of J.E ( Bridge,) against the IA quota, has been prescribed as 45 years vide letter RBE 102/2015. The issue of raising the abovementioned upper age limit was under consideration of this Ministry pursuant to the matter being raised by AIRF.
The matter has been examined in consultation with the Civil Engineering Directorate and it has been decided that for JE Bridge against IA quota , the existing upper age limit of 49 years may be enhanced to 47 years and accordingly the upper age limit for SC/ST employees may be fixed at 52 years to bring it at par with the age limit for appearing in selections for JE against the IA quota in the other Civil Engineering streams.
Please acknowledge the receipt.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Dy. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Ph. No.43658/011-23303658
E-mail Id- sanjay.kumar6[at]gov. in