Vivad Se Vishwas I – Relief for MSMEs — Provisions amended by Finance Ministry

Vivad Se Vishwas I – Relief for MSMEs — Provisions amended by Finance Ministry

Vivad Se Vishwas I – Relief for MSMEs — Provisions amended by Finance Ministry

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division

264-C, North Block, New Delhi.

Office Memorandum

Subject: Vivad Se Vishwas I – Relief for MSMEs.

Attention is invited to this Department OM of even number dated 11.04.2023 wherein instructions were issued for providing certain benefits to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) under the above mentioned scheme. Many references have been received from MSMEs requesting extension of the benefits to include procurement of works in the scheme.

2. The matter has examined and it has been decided to make following amendments to this Department OM No. F.1/1/2023-PPD dated 11.04.2023:

Existing provision Amended provision
Para 2 (i)

SN Parameter Eligibility condition
i Nature of procurement eligible for the relief Procurement of Goods and Services
Para 2 (i)

SN Parameter Eligibility condition
i Nature of procurement eligible for the relief All procurements
Para 2 (iii)

SN Parameter Eligibility condition
iii Nature of the supplier/ contractor eligible for the scheme

Registered as a Medium, Small or Micro Enterprise (MSME) as per prevalent scheme of Ministry of MSME on the date of claim by supplier/ contractor.

MSME may be registered for any category of Goods and Services

Para 2 (iii)

SN Parameter Eligibility condition
iii Nature of the supplier/ contractor eligible for the scheme

Registered as a Medium, Small or Micro Enterprise (MSME) as per prevalent scheme of Ministry of MSME on the date of claim by supplier/ contractor.

MSME may be registered for any category.

3. The date for submission of claims has also been extended to 31.07.2023.

Tel.No. 2309 3811; email: [email protected]


  1. Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of Government of India for information and necessary action. They are also requested to inform these provisions to all procuring entities under their administrative control.
  2. Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises with a request to reiterate these orders in respect to public enterprises.
  3. Secretary, Department of Financial Services with a request to reiterate these orders in respect to public sector financial institutions.
  4. Secretary, Ministry of MSME with a request to monitor the procuring entities for implementation of the scheme.
  5. Chief Secretaries/ Administrators of Union Territories
  6. CEO/ GeM.

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