NPS to OPS : Coverage under CCS(Pension) Rules in place of NPS of those CG employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised/ notified for recruitment on or before 22.12.2003 – CGDA Important Circular dated 02-05-2023
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt
No. AN-1/1466/NPS to OPS/IDAS
Date:- 02/05/2023
All the PCsDA/PIFAs/PCA (Fys),
All the CsDA/IFAs
(Through CGDA website only)
Subject: – Coverage under Central Civil Services (pension ) Rules, in place of National Pension System of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the post/vacancies advertised/notified for recruitment on or before 22/12/2003.- Reg.
A copy of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, New Delhi bearing OM No. 57/05/2021-P&PW (B) dated 03/03/2023, on the subject, which is self explanatory is forwarded herewith for information.
2. In this context, wide publicity among IDAS officers under your jurisdiction, who are eligible to exercise the option in accordance with the contents of the aforesaid OM, may be carried out and application cum option form may be forwarded to the HQrs office latest by 19/05/2023, for carrying out further necessary action.
3. This may be treated on Priority.
(Shashi Pratap Singh)
Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, in place of National Pension System, of those Central Government employees who were recruited against the posts/vacancies advertised /notified for recruitment, on or before 22.12.2003 [DoPPW’s O.M. No. 57/05/2021-P&PW(B) dated 03/03/2023]
Copy to:-
AN-IV section:- For information and necessary action.
IT & S wing (local):- For uploading the circular on CGDA HQrs website.
(Shashi Pratap Singh)