Extension for Registration of candidates and submission of online application for SAS Part-I Examination on Computer Based Test (CBT) 2023

Extension for Registration of candidates and submission of online application for SAS Part-I Examination on Computer Based Test (CBT) 2023

Extension for Registration of candidates and submission of online application for SAS Part-I Examination on Computer Based Test (CBT) 2023


कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक, प्रशिक्षण एवं विकास केन्‍द्र
बरार स्‍क्‍वायर, दिल्‍ली छावनी-110010

NO. AN/SAS/ 16200/SAS-I/CBT/2023/PROG

Dated: 04.05.2023


All PCsDA, including Principal IFAs
All Controllers of Defence Accounts, including IFAs/RTCs
The Principal Controller of Accounts (Fys), Kolkata

Sub: SAS Part-I Examination on Computer Based Test (CBT) 2023: Extension for Registration of candidates and submission by the PCsDA/CsDA.

Ref: HQrs. Office most important Circular NO. AN/SAS/16200/SAS-I/CBT/2023/PROG dated 17.04.2023

In view of the applications received from some candidates to extend the date of registration, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to reopen the registration portal for candidates for SAS Part I Examination (Computer Based Test). Further consequent on reopening of the registration dates and problem experienced by the PCsDA/CsDA in the approval portal the date of approval has also been extended. The revised timeline for registration of the candidates and approval by the PCsDA/CsDA is as under:

Registration of Candidates: 04.05.2023 to 08.05.2023
Approval by PCsDA/CsDA: Upto 10.05.2023

2. All the eligible leftover candidates who could not register for the SAS Part I Examination (CIT) and fulfilling the eligibility criteria as on cutoff date i.e. 01.05.2023 may submit) their candidature for the examination online on the portal specifically created for registration purpose. The same can be accessed on CODA’s website through the link https://register.cbtexams.in/CGDA/Registration/.

3. The candidates who have already registered are not required to re register. There is no change in withdrawal date for the candidates. This may widely published amongst all the candidates.

4. No separate hard copy of the circular is being dispatched.

Fincls: As Above


Copy to:-

(i) MoD(Fin) DAD Coord, South Block, New Delhi – For information

(ii) AN-IV/AN VIII Section (Local) – For information & necessary action

(iii) IT&S Section (Local) – For uploading on WAN/Website


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