Empanelment of Shri Ram Singh Hospital & Heart Institute and SJM Super Speciality Hospital under CGHS Delhi and NCR

Empanelment of Shri Ram Singh Hospital & Heart Institute and SJM Super Speciality Hospital under CGHS Delhi and NCR

Empanelment of Shri Ram Singh Hospital & Heart Institute and SJM Super Speciality Hospital under CGHS Delhi and NCR

F.No.5-39/CGHS (HQ)/HEC/2022/736-60
Office of the Additional Director
Central Government Health Scheme, Headquarter
(Hospital Empanelment Cell)

CGHS Bhawan, New Delhi-66
Dated:05 April, 2023


Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS Delhi & NCR.

With regard to this Directorate’s Office Memorandum dated 13.09.2022 regarding empanelment under continuous empanelment scheme 2022, the undersigned is to convey that in addition to the list of the hospitals (including dental clinics, eye centres and diagnostic laboratories already empanelled, the hospitals as per the list attached (Two HCOs) have also been empanelled under CGHS in Delhi & NCR with issuance of this order. The newly empanelled hospitals may be treated as included in the existing list of empanelled health care organization under CGHS on same terms and conditions as have been indicated in the Office Memorandum dated 26.12.2017. The empanelment shall be till 30.09.2024 as with other empanelled HCOs or till finalization of new empanelment whichever is earlier. HCOs would claim NABH/NABL rates only for those investigations which are NABH/NABL accredited.

Encl: As above

[Dr. Manoj Jain]
Additional Director (HQ)



Name of the Hospitals Address NABH / NABL /QCI Recommended Empanelled for
I. Shri Ram Singh Hospital & Heart Institute. B-25, 26 & 26A, Swarna Cinema Road, East Krishna Nagar, Delhi- 110055.

Nodal Officer: Dr. Ashok Singh

Mob. 9811100764

[email protected]




Anesthesiology, General Medicine, General Surgery, Ophthal mology, Orthopaedic Surgery (Excluding Joint Replacement), Day Care Services and Urology (Excluding Lithotripsy}.
2 SJM Super Speciality Hospital Sector-63, NOIDA, NH-09,

Near Hindon Bridge, UP.


Nodal Officer:

Mr. Roopesh Kumar 95401810410, 9818860889 &


[email protected] roopesh@sjmhealthcare. com



Clinical Services:

Anaesthesiology including Critical Care, General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ophthalmology (OPD), Orthopaedic Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Paediatrics incl uding

Neonatology, Urology; Diagnostic Services: 2 D Echo, Pulmonary Function Test, Spirometry, Tread Mill Testing, Ultrasound , X-Ray;

La boratory Services: Clinical Bio-Chemistry , Clinical Microbiology and Serology, Clinical Pathology, Haematology;

Other: Blood Transfusions Services, Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Occupational Therapy Support Services.

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