Substitute arrangements in place of regular Gramin Dak Sevak against vacant GDS posts – Implementation of recommendation of GDS Committee

Substitute arrangements in place of regular Gramin Dak Sevak against vacant GDS posts – Implementation of recommendation of GDS Committee

Substitute arrangements in place of regular Gramin Dak Sevak against vacant GDS posts – Implementation of recommendation of GDS Committee

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated: 14.03.2023


All Chief Postmasters General

Subject: – Implementation of recommendation of GDS Committee on substitute arrangements in place of regular Gramin Dak Sevaks; against vacant GDS posts.


This has reference to this office OM of even number dated 11.02.2022 and 21.03.2022 on the above mentioned subject.

2. In this context, it is to inform that several references have been received from GDS Unions that some Divisions under different Circles are not allowing substitute arrangements against the short term vacancies (less than 45 days) of GDS on the pretext that such arrangement is denied under the above referred OMs.

3. The issue has been examined by the competent authority and it is observed that even after issuing the instructions and clarification on the issue by this office, the instructions are not being followed in its true spirit by the field units.

It is reiterated that the OM dated 11.02.2022 and clarification issued on 21.03.22(copy enclosed) clearly states the following:

  1. The instructions issued does not put any ban on providing substitute against short term or long term vacancies’ provided that the prescribed procedure shall be followed.
  2. The OM dated 11.02.2022 has provided for ‘combination of duties in same office’. Therefore, issue of distance between two BOs for combination of duties does not arise’. The above-mentioned OM has merely provided for procedure to be followed in case a GDS post fails vacant (short term or long term).
  3. Further, workload etc. shall be considered while deciding upon combination of duties or arrangement of ‘substitute’ in the same office.
  4. Leave to any GDS shall not be denied solely on the ground that substitutes is not Justified for being provided during the leave.

4. Therefore, even in cases, where combination of duties is not feasible in same office, substitute arrangement can be considered by the competent authority. In view of the above, I am directed to request to ensure thati instructions issued by this office OM of even number dated 11.02.2022 and 23.03.2022 are followed in the letter and spirit in the field offices.


(Rajesh Kumar)

Copy to: –

  1. Shri S S Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, All India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union.
  2. Shri P U Murlidharan, Chairman GDS, PJCA, T-24 Atul Grove Road, New Delhi- 110.001.

Source : Click to view/download PDF

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