Increase in the rates of Mementos/ Retirement Farewell, Staff Recreation Club,  Special Award, Scholarship & Book Award – EPFO order dated 14.03.2023

Increase in the rates of Mementos/ Retirement Farewell, Staff Recreation Club,  Special Award, Scholarship & Book Award – EPFO order dated 14.03.2023

Increase in the rates of Mementos/ Retirement Farewell, Staff Recreation Club,  Special Award, Scholarship & Book Award – EPFO order dated 14.03.2023

ईपीएफओ, मुख्‍य कार्यालय
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
भविष्‍य निधि भवन, 14, भीकाजी कामा प्‍लेस, नई दिल्‍ली 110066

No. HRM-VI/9(1)2022/CSWC&CSPB-Meeting-Part(1)/17066

Dated: 14 MAR 2023


The Additional CPFCs (HQ) (Zone) /ACCs (Zones)/ Director (PDNASS)/ ACC(ASD)/Presidents, Regional Staff Welfare Committees.

Subject: – Increase in the rates of Mementos/ Retirement Farewell, Staff Recreation Club,  Special Award, Scholarship & Book Award-reg.

Ref :

  1. No. Welfare/3(84)2016/25th Meeting/10098-99 dated 29.08.2016
  2. No. Welfare/3(100)2017-18/26tb Meeting/10954 dated 25.08.2017 (Item No.05(i))
  3. No. WF/20th Meeting/CSWC/2009/106302 dated 16.03.2009
  4. No. Welfare/23rd Annual Meeting/CSWC/201 3/6848 dated 28.06.2013


The Central Provident Fund Commissioner/President, EPF Central Staff Welfare Committee (CSWC) has approved the increase in the rates of Mementos, Staff Recreation Club, Special Award, Scholarship & Book Award given as under :-

S.No. Welfare Activity Existing Rate Approved Rate
1 Mementos/ Retirement Farewell Rs.15,000/- per retiring employee Rs.20,000/- per retiring employee
2 Staff Recreation Club Rs.50/- per employee Rs.70/- per employee
3 Special Award in case of ward of an employee who become topper of any State in the Class XII Rs.10,000/- Rs.15,000/-
4 Scholarship
Class/Courses % Marks obtained Existing Base Rate Approved Base Rate
12th 80 Rs.600/- per month Rs.1,000/- per month
Continuance 65 Rs.600/- per month Rs.1,000/- per month
Arts/Commerce/Science 65 Rs.600/- per month Rs.1,000/- per month
MBBS/BDS Passing Rs.600/- per month Rs.1,000/- per month
PG Course (Arts/Commerce/Science) 65 Rs.700/- per month Rs.1,200/- per month
Book Award
Class % Marks obtained Existing Base Rule Approved Base Rate
10th 80 Rs.1,800/- Rs.3,000/-
12th 80 Rs.1,800/- Rs.3,000/-

2. The increase in the rates of aforesaid welfare activities will be applicable from 01.04.2023. Further, the above rate will increase every year and shall be aligned with CPI on the base rate. The enhanced rate will be rounded off to next “O” or “5”.

3. All the aforesaid rates shall be revised every year with the approval of ACC(HQ) HR / Vice President, CSWC.

Yours faithfully,

(Uma Mandal)
Additional CPFC (HRM) & Secretary, CSWC, EPF

Copy to (through EPFO website):-

  1. All the members of EPF CSWC & CSPB
  2. All the Divisional Heads in Head Office
  3. RPFC (Balance Sheet) / RPFC (F&A) Head Office
  4. All the Internal Audit Parties / Deputy Directors (Audit) of IAPs
  5. All the Regional Offices / All the Zonal Training Institutes / Zonal Vigilance Directorates
  6. RPFC (NDC) for uploading on EPFO website
  7. Director (OL) for Hindi Version.

(Rakhi Chakravarty)
Regional PF Commissioner-I (HRM)

Source : Click to view/download PDF

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