Railway Services consequent upon implementation of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 – Clarification vide RBE No. 16/2023

Railway Services consequent upon implementation of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 – Clarification vide RBE No. 16/2023

Railway Services consequent upon implementation of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 – Clarification vide RBE No. 16/2023

Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board) 

PC-VII No. 201

RBE No. 16 /2023

File No. PC-VII/2017/RSRP/2

New Delhi, dated: 17/01/2023

The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: – Classification of Railway Services consequent upon implementation of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

In exercise of powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the President hereby directs that with effect from the date of issue of these orders, subject to exceptions made in the footnotes below and also subject to such exceptions as Ministry of Railways may, by any general or special orders make from time to time, Railway Service posts shall be classified as follows:

Sl. No. Description of posts Classification of Posts
1 A Railway service post carrying the pay in the Pay Matrix at the Level from 10 to 17 excluding the posts falling in SI. Nos. (2) and (3) below. Group ‘A’/Gaz.
2 A Railway service post carrying the pay in the Pay Matrix at Level-8 & 9 excluding the posts falling in Sl. No. 3 below:The posts of Assistant Nursing Officer in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix, Principal/Head Master/Head Mistress (Secondary/High School & equivalent) (Basic Grade and Sr. Grade) in Level-10 and Level-11 of the Pay Matrix and Non-functional Grade of Group ‘B’ Gaz. posts of various Organized Railway Services & RBSS/RBSSS in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix will continue to be classified as Group ‘B’ Gaz. Group ‘B’/Gaz.
3. A Railway service post carrying the pay in the Pay Matrix at the Level from 1 to 7 and the posts of Sr. SO(Accounts), Sr. Travelling Inspector(Accounts), Sr. Inspector (Store Accounts) in Level-8 and Level-9(Non-Functional) of the Pay Matrix; Sr. Nursing Superintendent in Level-8 of the Pay Matrix, Chief Nursing Superintendent in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix; Primary School Teacher/Trained Graduate Teacher/Post Graduate Teacher and equivalent (Basic/Senior/Selection Grade) working in Level-8/9/10/11 of the Pay Matrix; Senior Dietician in Level-8 of the Pay Matrix, will continue to be classified as Group ‘C’.The Group ‘C’ Cadres upgraded to Level-8 and Level-9 (Non-Functional) in terms of Board’s letter RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 (F. No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3) will continue to be classified as Group ‘C’. Group ‘C’


(a) A person placed in higher Level of the Pay Matrix under in situ promotion Scheme/MACP Schemes will continue to retain the classification of his Basic Post.

(b) The classification of Non-functional posts, Sr. and Selection Grade posts of Teaching/School staff will continue to remain the same as applicable to Basic Grade post.

(c) The Assistant Section Officers of Railway Board Secretariat Services (RBSS) and Personal Assistants of Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) will continue to be classified as Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) as laid down in respective service rules.

(d) If higher classification than that indicated above is presently prescribed for any specific post in the respective service rules, the same shall continue till further orders.

2. Posts created subsequent to date of effect of these orders as specific additions to existing cadres shall have the same classification as posts in the cadre to which they are added.

3. For the purpose of this order, “Pay Matrix” means the Matrix specified in Part A of the Schedule to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. Further, “Level” in Pay Matrix means the Level corresponding to the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or Scale specified in Part A of Schedule to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

4. Accordingly, the President is pleased to direct that Rule 106 & 107 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.I (Fifth Edition — 1985) shall be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No. 145 (enclosed).

5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

6. Hindi version will follow.

Encl. Code Correction Slip No. 145.

(Jaya Kumar G)
Dy. Director/Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board

Advance correction slip to Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.I (Fifth Edition -1985 ) – Third reprint edition — 2008

Advance Correction Slip no. 145 :

Rule 106 & 107 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.I (Fifth edition-1985) shall be substituted as under:-

106. For the purpose of these rules, the Railway services shall be classified as follows with effect from 01.01.2016:

(a) Gazetted

(1) Railway Services Group A
(2) Railway Services, Group B

(b) Non-Gazetted

(1) Railway Services, Group C
(2) Workshop Staff (Group C)

107. (1) with effect from 17.01.2023, subject to exceptions made in the footnotes below and also subject to such exceptions as Ministry of Railways may, by any general or special orders make from time to time, Railway Service posts shall be classified as follows:

Sl. No. Description of posts Classification of Posts
1 A Railway service post carrying the pay in the Pay Matrix at the Level from 10 to 17 excluding the posts falling in SI. Nos. (2) and (3) below. Group ‘A’/Gaz.
2 A Railway service post carrying the pay in the Pay Matrix at Level-8 & 9 excluding the posts falling in Sl. No. 3 below:The posts of Assistant Nursing Officer in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix, Principal/Head Master/Head Mistress (Secondary/High School & equivalent) (Basic Grade and Sr. Grade) in Level-10 and Level-11 of the Pay Matrix and Non-functional Grade of Group ‘B’ Gaz. posts of various Organized Railway Services & RBSS/RBSSS in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix will continue to be classified as Group ‘B’ Gaz. Group ‘B’/Gaz.
3. A Railway service post carrying the pay in the Pay Matrix at the Level from 1 to 7 and the posts of Sr. SO(Accounts), Sr. Travelling Inspector(Accounts), Sr. Inspector (Store Accounts) in Level-8 and Level-9(Non-Functional) of the Pay Matrix; Sr. Nursing Superintendent in Level-8 of the Pay Matrix, Chief Nursing Superintendent in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix; Primary School Teacher/Trained Graduate Teacher/Post Graduate Teacher and equivalent (Basic/Senior/Selection Grade) working in Level-8/9/10/11 of the Pay Matrix; Senior Dietician in Level-8 of the Pay Matrix, will continue to be classified as Group ‘C’.The Group ‘C’ Cadres upgraded to Level-8 and Level-9 (Non-Functional) in terms of Board’s letter RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 (F. No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3) will continue to be classified as Group ‘C’. Group ‘C’


(a) A person placed in higher Level of the Pay Matrix under in situ promotion Scheme/MACP Schemes will continue to retain the classification of his Basic Post.

(b) The classification of Non-functional posts, Sr. and Selection Grade posts of Teaching/School staff will continue to remain the same as applicable to Basic Grade post.

(c) The Assistant Section Officers of Railway Board Secretariat Services (RBSS) and Personal Assistants of Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) will continue to be classified as Group ‘B’ (Non Gazetted) as laid down in respective service rules.

(d) If higher classification than that indicated above is presently prescribed for any Specific post in the respective service rules, the same shall continue till further orders.

2. Posts created subsequent to date of effect of these orders as specific additions to existing cadres shall have the same classification as posts in the cadre to which they are added.

3. For the purpose of this order, “Pay Matrix” means the Matrix specified in Part A of the Schedule to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016. Further, “Level” in Pay Matrix means the Level corresponding to the existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or Scale specified in Part A of Schedule to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

(Authority: Ministry of Railways’ letter No. PC-VII/2017/RSRP/2 dated 17.01.2023)

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