Reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) for promotion in SDE of TES Group ‘B’ from JTOs – DoT O.M

Reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) for promotion in SDE of TES Group ‘B’ from JTOs – DoT O.M

Reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) for promotion in SDE of TES Group ‘B’ from JTOs – DoT O.M


Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications

419-Sanchar Bhawan, 20-Ashoka Road,
New Delhi-110001, Dated the December,2022

Office Memorandum

Subject: Reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) for promotion in SDE of TES Group ‘B’ from JTOs.

Please refer to Department of Personnel & Training’s OM No.36012/1/2022-Estt (Res.II), dated 17.05.2022 (copy enclosed) which provides for reservation in promotion to persons with disability. Para 4.2 & 4.3 of the said OM stipulates as below :

4.2 An employee who acquires disability, after entering into service, will be entitled to get the benefit of reservation in promotion as a PwBD.

4.3 No benefit of reservation shall be given on the basis of temporary certificate of disability.”

2. As per DoI OM dated 6-1/2018-STG.II, dated 13.11.2019 (copy enclosed) the following catgories of Benchmark Disability are eligible for the post of JTO of Group ‘B’ :

(a) Low Vision;

(b) Locomotor Disability (one arm/one leg & one arm one leg) including leprosy cured, cerebral palsy dwarfism, acid attach victims,
(c) Multiple disabilities from amongst (a) & (b)

3. Further, DEPwD vide their notification dated 29.08.2022 has which they have clarified the the position of Persons with Spine Injury(Sl)/Spine Deformity (SD) by classifying them into two categories :

(i) persons with SI/SD without any associated neurological/limb dysfunction and

(ii) persons with SI/SD with associated neurological/limb dysfunction Now, a separate sub category i.e. Spinal Deformity (SD) and Spinal Injury (SI) without any associated neurological/limb dysfunction has been incorporated under Locomotor Disability in addition to OA, OL, BA, BL, OAL, BLOA and BLA. Thus, all the posts identified in the list stands identified suitable for persons with SD/SI without neurological/imb dysfunction. However, Persons with SD/SI with associated limb dysfunction are now being covered under the respective sub category such as OA, OL, BA, BL, OAL, BLOA and BLA, as the case may be. For example, if a post is identified suitable for OA and OL, the post is also identified suitable for persons with SD/SI with associated limp dysfunction of OA/OL respectively.

3. All such JTOs who have acquired disability after entering into service, are requested to provide the requisite information in the following format alongwith a copy of disability certificate issued by a competent authority, to the email ID [email protected] positively by 14.12.2022 :

Name Designation DoB Staff No. Category (UR/SC/ST/EWS) Type of Disabilities and % of disability Disability – Permanent or Temporary

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Signed by Subodh Kumar
Encl : As above Jayaswal
Date: 13-12-2022 10:57:11
Reason: Approved
(Subodh Kumar Jayaswal)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India

Source : Click to view/download PDF

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