Provisions of Ration admissible to Agniveers enrolled under AGNIPATH Scheme, 2022: Department of Military Affairs Order dated 28.11.2022

Provisions of Ration admissible to Agniveers enrolled under AGNIPATH Scheme, 2022: Department of Military Affairs Order dated 28.11.2022

Provisions of Ration admissible to Agniveers enrolled under AGNIPATH Scheme, 2022: Department of Military Affairs Order dated 28.11.2022


Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Military Affairs

New Delhi. dated 28 November, 2022


The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Provisions of Ration admissible to Agniveers enrolled under AGNIPATH Scheme, 2022.

I am directed to refer to Ministry of Defence letter no. DMA/JS (N&DS)/2021/Agnipath-01 dated 15.06.2022 on the above subject and to state that in pursuance of the Governments decision to implement the Agnipath Scheme, 2022. it has been decided that Ration will be admissible to Agniveers as per conditions mentioned below:

(a) AGNIVEERs in Indian Army: Ration to Agniveer in Army will be granted as per following Govt. orders:

S.No. Reference No. & Date
1 SAI—7/S/74 and as per subsequent amendments.
2 SAL = 2/S/72 and as per subsequent amendments.
3 GoI, MoD letter No. 66195/ Q/ST-6/1069/ D(QS) dated 19.05.2010 and 66195/ Q/ST -6/1948/ D(QS) dated 23 09.2010 and as per subsequent amendments
4 Gol, MoD letter No. 66196/Q(ST-6)/4048/D(QS) dated 15.11.2007 and as per subsequent amendments.
5 Al-94/76, and as per subsequent amendments.
6 Al-18/76 and as per subsequent amendments.

(b) AGNIVEERS in Indian Navy: Ration to Agniveer in Navy will be granted as per  following Govt. orders:

S.No. Reference No. & Date
1. Navy Instruction No. 2 of 1998, and as per subsequent amendments.

(c) AGNIVEERs in Indian Air Force: Ration to Agniveer in Air Force will be granted as per following Govt. orders:

S.No. Reference No. & Date
1. AFI No. 18/8 dated 24.08.1968, and as per subsequent amendments.

(d) AGNIVEERs in NCs (E) in Indian Air Force: Ration to Agniveers as NCs(E) of Air Force will be granted as per following Govt. orders:

S.No. Reference No. & Date
1. AFI No. 4/S dated 18.11.1969, and as per subsequent amendments.

2. An Agniveer proceeding on leave/TD and not drawing ration in kind would be entitled to draw Ration Money Allowance (RMA)/ Special Rate of Ration Allowance (SRA)/ Condiment Expenditure at specific rate as notified by Govt. of India orders No. PC-12045/ Q/ST-6 (Common Ration)/ 1411/ DMA (QS)/ 2019 dated 04.04.2019, No. 21704/ST-6 (Condiments)/ 1414/D (QS) dated 05.07.2022 and PC-1/ 12045/Q/ ST-6 (Common Ration)/ 1423/ DMA (QS)/ 2022 dated 07.07.2022 and as amended from time to time.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID. No. 14(1)/2022-Fin(QB)/190 dated 25.11.2022.

Yours faithfully,

(T Johnson)
Gp Capt
Director (Pay/Services)

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