Old duty station HRA – stopage of the old duty station HRA if residential status at old duty station change and family shift to other station – Circular – 125

Old duty station HRA – stopage of the old duty station HRA if residential status at old duty station change and family shift to other station – Circular – 125

Old duty station HRA – Stopage of the old duty station HRA if residential status at old duty station change and family shift to other station – Circular – 125

कार्यालय, रक्षा लेखा नियंत्रक
उदयानविहार, नारंगी, गुवाहाटी-8117117


Dated 13/12/2022,

Circular – 125


  1. All section of MO CDA Guwahati.
  2. All Sub-Office under CDA Guwahati.
    (Through CDA Guwahati website)

Subject: Old duty station HRA regarding.

It is observed from the Old duty station HRA claim submitted by officials that, they claim old duty station HRA on the basis of Lease agreement for 11 months at old duty station. However, after completion of 11 months, status of officials in respect of rented house has not been intimated to this office. Therefore, it is enjoined upon all to intimate this office immediately to stop the old duty station HRA if residential status at old duty station change and family shift to other station.

If any other status except mentioned above is changed on which Old HRA clam was approved by the competent authority, also require to intimate this office immediately to stop old duty station HRA.

Non compliance of the above direction may attract action against concern official as per existing Govt. Order.

CDA has seen.

N.K.Biswas, IDAS
Dy. CDA(Adminy)


The Officer-in-charge —- For uploading the same in official website.

Account Officer (AN VII)

CDA-Guwahati-Circular No-125-13-12-2022

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