Grievances Redressal by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW), Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), Directorate General Resettlement(DGR) & Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB)

Grievances Redressal by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW), Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), Directorate General Resettlement(DGR) & Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB)

Grievances Redressal by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW), Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), Directorate General Resettlement(DGR) & Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB)


Name & Contact No.

Sl No. Name of Officers Designation Contact No. Subject being dealt by concerned Deputy Secretary
(a) Dr. P. P. Sharma OSD (WE & IC) 23015772 General Coordination and Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) related matters.
(b) Director (Pension/Legal & Res-I) 23793290 (Telefax) Matters relating to Court Cases, Legal notices pertaining to Ex-Servicemen, Mercy-Petitions, Second Appeal Cases for grant of disability pension, Matters relating to Reservation in Central Government/State Government direct recruitment posts for Ex-servicemen, Grant of status of Ex-Servicemen, Self-Employment Schemes run by Directorate General Resettlement(DGR), Recognition of Ex-servicemen Associations, Matter relating to ex-servicemen corporations in various States, Resettlement/Skill Development Training Courses for retiring/retired personnel of Indian Armed Forces
(c) Shri Sarvjit Singh Deputy Secretary (Pension Grievance) 23010244 Grievances related to pension and pensionary matters of ESMs and their families.
(d) Deputy Secretary (Res-II) 23015529 Matters relating to Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB), e-Governance, e-office, e-Samiksha and maintenance of DESW’s Website.
(e) Shri A.K. Agrawal Deputy Secretary (Pension/Policy) 23015650 Pension Policy issues of Armed Forces Personnel, Pension Regulations for Army, Air Force and Navy, Entitlement Rules for Casualty Pension Awards, Guide to Medical Officers (Military Pension), continuation of posts of MPB/PPO, Nepal.

Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, in respect of grievance redress, this Department entertains grievances exclusively of the Ex-Servicemen and their family members on issues ranging from grant, rectification and revision of pension/ family pension/ disability pension, facilities under ECHS, land allotment from state governments, benefits being extended under schemes of DGR and KSB, other issues related to civil life of ESM etc. These grievances are being received, directly, though online mode (centralised grievance redress mechanism portal (, through e-mails, dak, over phone and other means of communications. Some of the grievances are also received through the office of Parliaments’ Committees on Petitions, Raksha Mantri/Raksha Rajya Mantri, Members of Parliament, Prime Minister’s Office, Cabinet Secretariat, President Secretariat, Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare, National Human Rights Commission, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Secretary (Defence), Secretary (ESW). An officer of the rank of Joint Secretary is the Nodal Officer for redressal of these grievances.

Each of the grievance is examined in the Department at the first stage, then forwarded to the concerned authority (Service Headquarters, Records Offices, Pension Sanctioning Authorities, ECHS, DGR, KSB, State Governments, Pension Disbursing Agencies etc) for taking necessary action and then is followed up (through modes of online, e-mail, letters and phone calls), individually, till disposal/ redressal of the grievance. In the process of grievance redressal services of local network of the KSB is being extensively utilised.

Grievances Redressal, ECHS

Name & Contact No. for queries related to ECHS smart Card

Sl No. Name of Offrs Appt Contact No. Mobile No.
(a) Col Rakesh Kakar (Retd) Jt Dir (S&A) (B) (Online ECHS Card) Mob -8979800177
(b) Col Jai Parkash Chahal Dir (S&A) Tele-25684645 Mob-7004600623

Name & Contact No. for Other Grievances

Sl No. Name of Offrs Appt Contact No. Mobile No.
(a) Lt Col Deepak Bhatt Jt Dir (C&L) 20892332 MB-7091567780
(b) Col Anirudh Shekhawat Dir (C&L) 20892332 Mob -9217010070
(c) Maj Gen NR Indurkar SM MD ECHS Tele-25684846 Mob-9971129165

Gen. ECHS est wef 01 Apr 2003 and providing comprehensive medical care to ESM and their dependents through polyclinics and empanelled hospitals. Central Organisation ECHS is Central HQ at Delhi and Regional Centres are est all over India for co-ordination and functioning of the Scheme. Being not a stand alone scheme, the Comd & Control is channelized through various Stn HQ/ Sub Area HQ / Area HQ / Comd HQ / Army HQ and DGAFMS. Like all other schemes and orgs, the Scheme is also having some shortcomings and the beneficiaries are facing problems. Our attention is, therefore, focused on the grievances redressal mechanism to alleviate the rising problems by forming a Grievance Cell at Central Organisation ECHS by employing a retd Army Medical Officer (rank of Col) who has been associated with ECHS in various appointments like Director (Medical), Commanding Officer Military Hospital and Senior Executive Medical Officer (SEMO) at Central Organisation ECHS under Director (Complaints & Legal) to look into the grievances and monitor redressals and assist the functionaries of Central Org ECHS in resolving the issues raised by the beneficiaries

  1. Types of Complaints/ Grievances Received.

Following types of complaints/ grievances are generally received at his HQ:-

(a) Against the Functionaries.

  1. OIC ECHS Polyclinics.
  2. OIC ECHS Cell, Station Headquarters.
  3. Staff of ECHS Polyclinics.
  4. Doctor at ECHS Polyclinics.
  5. Referring to a particular Hospital.
  6. Denial of Treatment by ECHS Polyclinics.
  7. Ill treatment by ECHS Polyclinics.

(b) Eligibility and ECHS Card.

  1. Eligibility for ECHS Membership in respect of Non Defence personnel.
  2. Eligibility of Ex-Recruits for ECHS.
  3. Eligiblity of World War II veterans/SSCOs/ECOs for ECHS members.
  4. Upgradation/Renewal/Change of Cards.
  5. Status for application of ECHS membership cards.

(c) Medicine/ Claims.

  1. Non availability of Medicine at ECHS Polyclinics.
  2. Non issue of medicines for 3 months.
  3. Issue of medicines for 7 to 8 months for persons going abroad.
  4. Shortage of life saving medicines.
  5. Reimbursement of Medclaims.
  6. Emergency treatment in Empanelled/ Non Empanelled/ Govt Hospitals.

(d) Against Empanelled Hospitals.

  1. Negligence by Hospitals.
  2. Denial of Treatment by Empanelled Hospitals.

(e) General Complaints.

  1. Refund of Contributions.
  2. Shortage of doctors.
  3. Opening of additional ECHS Polyclinics.
  4. Improvement in ECHS Polyclinics.
  5. Extension of contractual employment.
  6. Referral procedure lengthy.
  7. Treatment Abroad.
  1. Manner of Receipt of Grievances/ Complaints.
  1. Through personal visits by veterans or their representatives.
  2. Through Toll Free No 1800-114-115.
  3. Through CPGRAMS.
  4. Through E-mails atdiritechs-mod[at]nic[dot]in jdclechs-mod[at]nic[dot]in), dymdechs-mod[at]nic[dot]in and all functionaries listed at the website
  5. Through higher HQ/MoD.
  6. Through normal mail.
  1. Methodology Adopted to Resolve.
  1. Personal interaction immediately resolving the issues raised.
  2. For queries where instant reply cannot be given, views and clarification are sought from different sections and then the reply is communicated to the indl by tele, e-mail and by letter wherever required.
  3. Issues pertaining to any clarification/ action by Regional Centre ECHS, Stn HQ and Command HQs are communicated to them and action is ensured.
  4. Any issues requiring clarification from MoD also sought and action taken communicated to the indl.
  5. Issues some times raised- pertains to different/ various section- views/ recommendations sought on file for approval of MD/ MoD. In the meantime interim reply is given to the indl. Once finalized then communication is made through tele/ fax/ letters to the indl.
  1. Measures Undertaken to Further Improve the Grievances (Redressal Mechanism).
  1. Toll free No 1800-114-115 which is at present being functional at Central Organization HQ. Beneficiaries of respective Regional Centres can call to Director Regional Centre ECHS/ Jt Dir (Med) Regional Centre ECHS and clarify their queries/ process their grievances which will enable them in getting a faster service.
  2. Some FAQs pertaining to various ECHS aspects have being formulated and streamlined at Central Organisation and same will be fwd to Regional Centres ECHS so that uniformity will be maintained in making reply to the ECHS beneficiaries PAN INDIA by Dir Regional Centres ECHS.
  1. Conclusion.

Clientele satisfaction will always be our motto. Our constant endeavours will be on to redress the grievances of ECHS beneficiaries and every functionary will take it as a contributory responsibility to resolve the issues raised.


Grievances Redressal, DGR

(i) नाम और संपर्क नं

श्री पी पलानीवेल
Director (RTI & CPGRAMS)

टेली: 011-26192364

(ii) शिकायतों के निपटान की स्थिति

इस विभाग को प्राप्त सभी शिकायतों का समय पर निस्तारण कर दिया गया है।


Grievances Redressal, KSB

नाम और संपर्क नंबर

Jt Dir (Grievances)

टेली: 26192359
फैक्स: 26192362

शिकायतों के निपटान की स्थिति

शिकायत निवारण की निगरानी की जा रही है और नियमित रूप से जवाब दिया जा रहा है ।


[Disclaimer- Please confirm the latest contact details from DESW website.]

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