Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation (NPS – SRM) for NPS employees – roll out on Pilot Basis

Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation (NPS – SRM) for NPS employees – roll out on Pilot Basis

Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation (NPS – SRM) for NPS employees – roll out on Pilot Basis

TA-3-102/1/2021-TA-III/CS-8004/ 319
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan ,
‘E’ Block, GPO Complex, INA
New Delhi — 110022.

Subject: Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation (NPS – SRM) for NPS employees – roll out on Pilot Basis-reg. :

Office Memorandum

A reference is invited to PF-MS Division, CGA’s OM No. 1-24001/1/2020-ITD-CGA dated 12.10.2021 and OM No. 1-84001/ 1/2020-1TD-CGA/224-29 dated 24.11.2021 regarding the subject cited above.

2 On-line NPS Subscriber Registration Module for generation of PRAN for employees covered by NPS has been deployed by GIFMIS on PEMS. The NPS-SRM Module is available in PFMS home page (Menu-National pension System-PRAN Registration).

3 Presently the module will be deployed for pilot run in the selected Ministries/Departments as per enclosed list. A User Manual prepared by GIFMIS is also enclosed for reference. GIFMIS will provide hand holding for this application of new module.

4. Any further clarification/query, in this regard, may please be taken up with GIFMIS vertical of this office through EIS Helpdesk (pfms-cis[at]

Encl: As above

(Parul Gupta)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts


Source: Click to view/download PDF

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