Implementation of Transfer Module of HRMS in Indian Railways – Tentative Launching date is 01.08.2022
File No. PC-VII/2022/HRMS/15
New Delhi, Dated : 12 /07/2022
The Principal Chief Personnel Officers,
All Zonal Railways/PUs/TIs |
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Implementation of Transfer Module of HRMS in Indian Railways- reg.
The development of the Transfer Module of HRMS has been completed and testing of the same has also been done in Eastern/Southern Railways. The tentative date for the launch of the module is 01.08.2022. In this regard, it has been decided that the training sessions on usage of the Transfer module will commence w.e.f. 15.07.2022 as per the schedule enclosed herewith as Annexure-A. The Railways may nominate the officials who are handling the transfer related module to undertake this training session.
2. Prior to the launch of the module, the legacy data with respect to Inter Railway/Inter Division transfers are required to be entered into the Transfer module of HRMS. The procedure and the user manual for entering the legacy data in Transfer module is enclosed herewith as Annexure-B. It may be appreciated that entry of legacy data is very much crucial for maintaining the continuity and success of Transfer module as from 01.08.2022 onwards, the entire process of transfers will be operated through HRMS only. As such, due diligence may be exercised while entering the legacy data and the entire process may be completed by 25.07.2022.
2.1 It may also be ensured that all existing cases be registered whether they have been accepted or not, as in future, the employees will be able to register directly online. The existing applicants shall not lose out due to their names having been missed out during the data uploading.
3. It is also advised that all the Field Units may advise the practice regarding maintaining the priority list w.r.t. IRT and IDT 1.e. whether the separate lists are being maintained or a unified list is being maintained. The preferred course of action may also be advised by 20.07.2022.
Encl. as above
(V.G. Bhooma)
Principle Executive Director/HR
Railway Board
Tele No. 011-23047174
E-mail ID : [email protected]
2nd floor, Room No.202
Rail Bhawan
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