Har Ghar Tiranga under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav – KVS guidelines to place order for National Flags through GeM portal

Har Ghar Tiranga under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav – KVS guidelines to place order for National Flags through GeM portal

Har Ghar Tiranga under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav – KVS guidelines to place order for National Flags through GeM portal.

केन्‍द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन
शिक्षा मंत्रालय भारत सरकार के अधीन स्‍वायत्‍त संस्‍थान
An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India Address:- 18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg, New Delhi 110 016

F.11029/KVS (HQ)/2021/KVS (HQ)/Acad/Misc/1024-1108

Date:- 26/28.07.2022

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices/ZIETs

Sub: – Har Ghar Tiranga under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav-reg


“Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign has been launched to encourage the citizens to hoist the National Flag of India in their homes as part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ (AKAM) which is being celebrated to commemorate the 75 glorious years of a progressive Independent India.

In this regard, three communications dated 21.06.2022, 18.07.2022(2) have been issued by this office. Further to support the students and their families as well as staff to hoist flags at their homes, the Flag Code of India 2002 has been amended by the Govt of India as given below:

(1) vide Order dated 30th December 2021, and paragraph 1.2 of Part-1 of the Flag Code of India, 2002 shall now be read as under:-

1.2. “The National Flag shall be made of hand spun and hand woven or machine made, cotton/polyster/ wool/silk khadi bunting.”

(2) vide Order dated 20 July, 2022 and clause (xi) of paragraph 2.2 of Part II of the Flag Code of India, 2002 shall now be read as under:-

(xi) “Where the Flag is displayed in open or displayed on the house of a member of public, it may be flown day and night”

Further, vide letter No.F17.10/2020-EE-1(Part-I) dated 22nd Julky 2022,Ministry of Culture, Govt of India has suggested to organize special Assembly sessions in all kendriya vidyalayas with each day dedicated to a particular aspects of Tiranga from 11-15th August 2022. Prbhat pheries with students holding flags is also to be organized during these days.

Simultaneously, Ministry of Culture has coordinated with all other stakeholders to ensure production and supply of flags of various sizes. Sufficient number of flag suppliers has been on-boarded on GeM portal and the number has been increasing daily. An indicative list of GeM listings for Indian National Flag is attached as Annexure A. It should be noted that the purchase of Flag will be entirely voluntary.

Therefore, it is requested to assess the requirement and place order for National Flags for Region/KVs through GeM portal well in advance so as to give enough time to suppliers to fulfill their commitment and enable them to deliver of these flags to your Region/KVs well in time.

Moreover, KVs to be informed through the Principal that all officials may be encouraged to take selfie with Flag and upload the same in the website i.e https://harghartiranga.com and social media platforms and Pin a Flag on the website based on their geographical coordinates.

Further it is also requested, to dissimenate this information to all the Kendriya Vidyalayas under the Region to encourage the teachers/staff members/ students and all stakeholders to hoist the National Flag of India in their homes from 13-18 August 2022 and ensure that these are widely disseminated among all the Officials, stakeholders, parents and other citizens in the vicinity of KVs and ROs.

Yours faithfully

(N R Murali)
Joint Commissioner (Trg)

Buy National Flags as part of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ Campaign from amazon.in


Source: Click to view/download PDF

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