Annexure-I: Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection by Compassionate appointment: Department of Telecommunication
1. Income of the Family – (Total 40 Points)
i) Family Pension/Pension# (Basic including DA)
– (20 Points)
S. No. | Slabs | Weightage Points |
1 | Up to 10,000 + DA* | 20 |
2 | 10,001 – 13,000 + DA* | 18 |
3 | 13,001 – 16,000 + DA* | 16 |
4 | 16,001 – 19,000 + DA* | 14 |
5 | 19,001 – 22,000 + DA* | 12 |
6 | 22,001 – 25,000 + DA* | 10 |
7 | 25,001 – 28,000 + DA* | 08 |
8 | 28,001 – 31,000 + DA* | 06 |
9 | 31,001 – 34,000 + DA* | 04 |
10 | 34,001 & above + DA* | 02 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
*as on 31st December of the previous year for appointment cycle beginning on 1st January of a year.
#Pension only in respect of specific medically invalidated employees covered under DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
ii) Terminal benefits i.e. Lump sum amount received by the family on death of Government Servant (i.e DCR Gratuity, GPF/PPF A/C balance, CGEGIS, Leave encashment)
(10 Points)
Terminal Benefits | |||
For Post 01.01.2016 death cases | For death cases between 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2015 | For pre 01.01.2006 death cases | Weightage Points |
Upto 10,00,000 | Upto 4,50,000 | Upto 1,00,000 | 10 |
10,00,001-13,00,000 | 4,50,007-5,25,000 | 1,00,001-1,20,000 | 09 |
13,00,001-16,00,000 | 5,25,001-6,00,000 | 1,20,001-1,40,000 | 08 |
16,00,001-19,00,000 | 6,00,001-6,75,000 | 1,40,001-1,60,000 | 07 |
19,00,001-22,00,000 | 6,75,001-7,50,000 | 1,60,001-1,80,000 | 06 |
22,00,001-25,00,000 | 7,50,001-8,25,000 | 1,80,001-2,00,000 | 05 |
25,00,001-28,00,000 | 8,25,000-9,00,000 | 2,00,001-2,20,000 | 04 |
28,00,001-31,00,000 | 9,00,001-9,75,000 | 2,20,001-2,40,000 | 03 |
31,00,001-34,00,000 | 9,75,001-10,50,000 | 2,40,001-2,60,000 | 02 |
34,00,001-37,00,000 | 10,50,001-11,25,000 | 2,60,001-3,00,000 | 01 |
37,00,001 & above | 11,25,001 & Above | 3,00,001 & Above | 00 |
Note: to be verified from service records and certified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
iii) Income Apart from Service Benefits – Annual income from Movable/Immovable property as well as annual income earned by the other member(s) of the family
-(10 Points)
S. No. | Annual Income | Weightage Points |
1. | Nil | 10 |
2. | 1 – 1,25,000 | 08 |
3. | 1,25,001 – 1,50,000 | 06 |
4. | 1,50,001 – 1,75,000 | 04 |
5. | 1,75,001 – 2,00,000 | 02 |
6. | 2,00,001 & Above | 00 |
Note: To be verified from the documents (like, bank statement, ITR, certificate from Revenue Authorities) and affidavit produced by the applicant and verified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
2. Movable/immovable Assets/Property of the family (Latest Market Value) including fixed Deposit/Bank Balance, other investments, LIC claim etc. (excluding Service Benefits received as mentioned in point 1(iii) above)
– (05 Points)
S. No. | Slab | Weightage Points |
1. | Nil | 5 |
2. | Up to 10,00,000 | 4 |
3. | 10,00,001 – 20,00,000 | 3 |
4. | 20,00,001 – 30,00,000 | 2 |
5. | 30,00,001 – 40,00,000 | 1 |
6. | 40,00,001 & Above | 0 |
Note: To be verified from service records, the documents / affidavit / certificate from Revenue/ Municipal Authorities / concerned departments etc. produced by the applicant and verified by respective Administration of the Government Servant.
3. Loans (from Banks/Financial Institutes)/ Debts outstanding against the family
— (10 Points)
S. No. | Slab | Weightage Points |
1. | Up to 5,00,000 | 2 |
2. | 5,00,001 – 10,00,000 | 4 |
3. | 10,00,001 – 15,00,000 | 6 |
4. | 15,00,001 – 20,00,000 | 8 |
5. | 20,00,001 & Above | 10 |
4. Left over service of deceased/ Medically Invalidated Employee**
(10 Points)
Leftover service of deceased | Weightage Points | Leftover service of deceased | Weightage Points |
Upto 02 years | 01 | > 10 < 12 years | 06 |
> 02 < 04 years | 02 | > 12 < 14 years | 07 |
> 04 < 06 years | 03 | > 14 < 15 years | 08 |
> 06 < 08 years | 04 | > 15 years | 10 |
> 08 < 10 years | 05 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
** Medically invalidated in terms of DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
5. Time period since death or retirement on medical grounds** of Government Servant (Immediate relief)
– (10 Points)
S. No. | Time period since death or retirement on medical grounds of Government Servant | Weightage Points |
1. | 0 – 1 years | 10 |
2. | 1 – 2 years | 08 |
3. | 2 – 3 years | 06 |
4. | 3 – 5 years | 04 |
5. | 5 years & above | 02 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
** Medically invalidated in terms of DoPT’s OM No. 14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
6. Minor children of deceased Government servant
– (10 Points)
S. No. | No. of Dependents | Weightage Points |
1. | Upto 2 | 02 |
2. | Three and above | 05 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
7. Minor children of deceased Government servant
(10 Points)
S. No. | No. of Minor Children | Weightage Points |
1. | 01 | 05 |
2. | 02 & Above | 10 |
Note: To be verified from service records and certified by the respective Administration of the Government Servant.
8. Dependent, Physically and mentally challenged (without age limit)
(10 Points)
Note: To be verified from service record, single status certificate / affidavit notarized by District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional Magistrate produced by the applicant and verified by respective Administration of the Government Servant. The disability as defined by DoPT for reservation for persons with Disabilities from time to time for appointment in Central Government will be ensured. Related certificates to be obtained accordingly.
General Note:
- In addition to the above, cases where the widow of deceased employee / wife of employee who has retired on medical ground has applied for compassionate appointment for herself, she shall get 10 additional points as grace points. This will be in line with the general principle that the widow / wife needs to be given preference for compassionate appointment.
- In addition to the above, cases where the deceased employee / employee who has retired on medical ground was working in essentially manual posts of MTS, Canteen Staff (Kitchen and washing) and Staff Car Driver/Dispatch Rider an additional 05 points as grace points shall be given.
- The cases already considered by the Ministry / Department constituted for considering the requests for compassionate appointment as per the previous practices followed need not to be opened.
- Compassionate appointment in Department of Telecommunications – Cutt-off date, Validity period, Relative merit points
- Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection by Compassionate appointment: Department of Telecommunication
- Annexure-II: Relative Merit Points System and Procedure for selection by Compassionate appointment: Department of Telecommunication