Payment of monetary allowance attached to gallantry award/Police Medal to the retired personnel of CAPFs and Gallantry Allowance – CPAO Instruction
वित्त मन्त्रालय, व्यय विभाग MINISTRY OF FINANCE
केन्द्रीय पेंशन लेख कार्यालय
त्रिकूट-।। भीकाजी कामा प्लेस TRIKOOT-II, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE,
नई दिल्ली-110066 NEW DELHI-110066
CPAO/IT&Tech/Gallantry Award/26/2022-23/ 90
Office Memorandum
Subject:- Streamlining of the procedure for payment of monetary allowance attached to gallantry award/Police Medal to the retired personnel of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Gallantry Allowance attached with Asadharan Suraksha Seva Praman Patra (ASSPP) to the retired officers of Cabinet Secretariat.
Gallantry Awards are conferred by the government of India to the officers and personnels of the Police forces/Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) as per the GOI notification No. 3-Pers and 4-Pers dated 01.03.1951 (as amended from time to time). The awards carry a monetary allowance at specified rates.
2. At present, the monetary allowance to pensioners/family pensioners is being paid by the respective Pay & Accounts Officer through a bill duly supported by a pre-receipt received from the awardees. As a result of the current system, Gallantry award winners are facing many practical difficulties in claiming their due amount.
3. Accordingly, the issue of improving the procedure for payment of Monetary Allowances, linked these awards, to pensioners was pending since long, now, consequent upon approval by the Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) for making payment of Monetary Allowances attached to Gallantry awards/Police Medals to retired personnel from the Pension grant these payments have now become a part of pension and shall be made along with Pension through the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO).
4. To process the payment of the Monetary Allowances attached with the Gallantry Awards, technical up gradation is required to be carried out by the Bhavishya, PFMS and NIC (CPAO) teams. Post the upgradation of these modules, the standard operating procedure for processing of fresh and revision pension cases will be shared by CPAO with all accounting unit and the CPAO will start receiving cases w.e.f. 20 July, 2022.
This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions).
(Satish Kumar Garg)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)
- All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs (as per list) with request to issue direction to their PAOs accordingly.
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- Sr.PPS to CGA, 0/o the CGA, MahalekhaNiyantrak Bhawan, E-Block, General Pool Office (GPO) Complex, INA, New Delhi.
- PS to Addl. CGA (A&FR), Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan, E-Block, General Pool Office GPO) Complex, INA, New Delhi.
- PS to CC(P)
- PAtoCA
- PA to DCA
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