Initiation of claims for Counting of pre-commissioned service through “SPARSH” – PCDA Circular No. 43

Initiation of claims for Counting of pre-commissioned service through “SPARSH” – PCDA Circular No. 43

Initiation of claims for Counting of pre-commissioned service through “SPARSH” – PCDA Circular No. 43

कार्यालय रक्षा लेखा प्रधान नियंत्रक (पेंशन), प्रयागराज- 211014
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pensions), Prayagraj – 211014

Registered Post

Important Circular No. 43

Date: 25.04.2022


  1. The Records Office………………….
  2. The Pay Accounts Office………….
  3. The Officer Records Office……….
  4. The PCDA(O)…………………………

Subject:-Initiation of claims for Counting of pre-commissioned service through “SPARSH”.


Former service rendered by commissioned officer is countable for the purpose of the pension in terms of Regulation No. 19 of Pension Regulation Part-I, 2008 Edition. The module of counting of former service through ‘SPARSH’ has been developed, tested and deployed on production.

2. It is therefore requested that the claims of counting of former service rendered as ORs/JCOs or as SSC service may please be initiated through SPARSH only.

3. As per process flow designed, the claims will be initiated by user of service initiator (Records Office/Officer Records Office) from node ‘Former Service Details’ present under TASK and after verification needs to be submitted to PAO/PCDA(O) for filling pay details and Audit.

4. The claims of counting of former Civil Service will be initiated on ‘SPARSH’ by PCDA(P) on receipt of claims as hitherto fore.

5, This office will not be in a position to entertain the claims submitted through legacy system in this office on or after 30.04.2022 and same will be returned unactioned for initiation through “SPARSH’.

CDA(P) has seen.

File No. G-1/M/032/Vol-VI
Date: 25.04.2022 

(Rajendra Kumar Gupta)

Copy to:-(By Regd. Post)

  1. The Dy. Secretary, Govt. of India, Ministry of PPG & P (Deptt. of P & PW), Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi.
  2. Director (Pensions), Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence D(Pen/Sers), Sena Bhawan, Wing ‘A’ New Delhi.
  3. The CGDA(AT-P), 0/o the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam,Delhi Cantt.- 110010
  4. AHQ GS Branch, TA Directorate, DHQ PO New Delhi – 110011.
  5. Naval HQrs, PP & A, DHQ PO New Delhi.
  6. DPA, Vayu Bhawan, New Delhi – 11.
  7. Air HQrs Ad PP & P – 3, West Block-VI, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066.
  8. Army HQrs. AG’s Branch, PS-4(b) DHQ, PO New Delhi – 110011.
  9. The PCDA(Navy) No.-1, Cooperage Road, Mumbai – 400039.
  10. The CDA(AF), West Block-V, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066.
  11. The PCDA (0), Golibar Maidan, Pune
  12. The JCDA(AF) Subroto Park, New Delhi – 110010.
  13. The Director of Audit, Defence Service, New Delhi
  14. Army HQrs AG’s Branch, MP-6(D) West Block-ill, R K Puram, New Delhi-11
  15. Army HQrs AG’s Branch, MP-5 & 6 West Block-Ill, R K Puram, New Delhi-11
  16. Army HQrs AG’s Branch, MP-6(C) West Block-lll, R K Puram, New Delhi-11


Distribution to : (For information)

  1. ThePAto PCDA/ CDA/ Addl. CDA /Jt. CDA in Main Office.
  2. All GOs in Main Office.
  3. All AOs/AAOs in G-1/Military Section.
  4. The OI/C, EDP Center (Local) for uploading on this office website.
  5. The OI/C, SANGAM Cell (Local).
  6. The Ol/C, G-1/ Civil Tech.
  7. The OI/C, GIs/Tech.
  8. The OI/C, AT/Tech.
  9. The OI/C, 0 &M Cell.
  10. The OI/C, DPTI.
  11. The OI/C AN-II(Local.
  13. File No.G-1/M/032/ICOs /Vol.-VI.
  14. File No. G-1/M/01/ICOs/ 7th CPC/Vol.-III
  15. File No. G-1/M/01/ICOs/Vol.- XXXIX
  16. File No. G-1/M/01/ICOs/NPA/ Vol.-IV
  17. File No. G-1/M/02/ICOs/Vol.-XVI
  18. File No. G-1/M/03/ICOs/ Vol.-XXIV
  19. Spare.

Accounts Officer (P)


Source : Click to view/download PDF

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