Provision of Trolley bags to Loco Pilots and Guards: Railway Board Order

Provision of Trolley bags to Loco Pilots and Guards: Railway Board Order

Provision of Trolley bags to Loco Pilots and Guards: Railway Board Order



New Delhi, dated 21/02/2022

The General Managers, Indian Railways.

Sub: Provision of Trolley bags to Loco Pilots and Guards.

The subject issue was under consideration in Board. Board has now approved the following:

  1. Trolley bag may be provided to Loco Pilots and Guards in lieu of Line box. Zonal Railways may decide to procure & distribute or give allowance in lieu of Trolley bags purchased by the crew themselves. The Allowance to be limited to Rs 5000/- for every 3 years.
  2. Equipment in Trolley bag/ Locomotive cabs to be standardised.
  3. Soft copy of Unified SR, WTT, Accident Manual, Safety Pamphlets etc, may be provided to Running Staff through systems provided in Loco Cab (viz. RTIS etc) or uploaded on their Smart phones.
  4. Necessary training to be imparted to Staff, for handling the documents in electronic format.
  5. Practical constraints and difficulties, if any, as highlighted by staff side, be addressed and resolved in a time bound manner.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Dte. of Railway Board.

(S.K. Singh)
Executive Director/E&R

No.2020/E&R/10/3(1) New Delhi, dated 21/02/2022

Copy to:

i) Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No. 224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
ii) PFAs, All Indian Railways including Production units.
iij FA & CAO(C)s, All Indian Railways.

for Member/Finance

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