Minutes of meeting of SCoGeM held on 21.02.2022

Minutes of meeting of SCoGeM held on 21.02.2022

Minutes of meeting of SCoGeM held on 21.02.2022

Dte of Works, E2W/Tech Coord
Room No 149A (E3 Cell)
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
Kashmir House Rajaji Marg,
New Delhi-110011

A/00062/GEM/04/E2W/TC (E3 Cell)

02 Mar 2022


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1. A meeting of Standing Committee on GeM was held on 21 Feb 2022. The Minutes of Meeting of the same issued vide MoD(Fin) vide Memo No FNo-28(1)/GS-II/2021 dated 24 Feb 2022, received through email from Dte Gen of FP, GS Branch, IHQ of MoD(Army) are enclosed.

2. Certain new functionalities for buyer as stated in Para 2(e) have been introduced.

3. Integration of IFA Module on GeM portal is in progress.(Refer para3)

4. Custom bid and BOQ bid functionality are not available for ‘bid estimation value less than Rs.5 Lakh’ on GeM portal. (Refer para 5(v)).

5. Targets for procurement of goods and services through GeM for Financial Year 2022-2023 required to be submitted to this HQ by 15 Feb 2022 are still awaited. Please ensure these are submitted immediately.

6. For information, wide dissemination and necessary action please.

(Rajiv Bhola)
SO-II (E3 Cell)
E2W/Tech Coord
For E-in-C

Encls : As above
Copy to:-
ADG Design & Consultancy, Pune


All Sub, Dte of Works
ESP Dte / ESP-1– For information and necessary action
Automation Cell– For uploading on MES Website in open domain.

FNo – 28(1)/GS-II/2021
Ministry of Defence
(Finance /GS-II Section)

South Block, New Delhi.
Dated: 24th February, 2022

Subject: Minutes of Meeting of SCoGeM held on 21.02.2022.

Minutes of Meeting of SCoGem held on 21.02.2022 under the chairmanship of Shri Rajesh Sharma, Addl FA & JS are forwarded herewith for information and necessary action.

(G Venkata Subbaiah)
Ph. No.23014003

Minutes of SCoGeM held on 24 February. 2022

  1. A meeting of Standing Committee on GeM was chaired by Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Addl FA (RS) & JS, MoD (Finance) in Room no. 203, South Block on 21st February 2022 to review the progress of procurement through GeM by various organisations of MoD and to chart the way ahead in this direction to ensure higher utilisation of GeM by all the Defence buyers. GeM was represented by Commodore B K Munjal, VSM (Retd) Advisor-Defence, GeM. List of Attendees is placed at Enclosure 1.
  2. A comprehensive presentation on growth in adoption of GeM by MoD was made by Advisor- Defence, GeM. Various issues in the presentation are enumerated below:-
    1. Total procurement done by MoD along with all the departments of MoD.
    2. Progress of yearly targets.
    3. Targets of MoD Organization for FY 22-23
    4. Economic survey of India report about GeM
    5. New Functionalities for buyers have been introduced as stated below: –
      1. In bunch bids, even if the seller was common for multiple orders, separate orders were created for each schedule by the GeM system. Now, functionality has been introduced for creation of a single contract if the seller is same.
      2. In bunch bid/BoQ bid total number of items which can be added is 200.
      3. Item wise evaluation enabled in Bill of Quantity (BoQ) bidding module.
      4. Selection of at least one related category to be made mandatory for publishing custom bids so that sellers can be intimated about the custom catalogue for wider vendor participation.
      5. Input Tax Credit (ITC) /Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) functionality made available for buyer.
      6. Buyback features- GeM has provided a Buyback option to its user through which the buyer will be able to float bids to replace the old products with the new ones.
      7. Unlimited RA Auto Extensions – limit on number of auto-extensions allowed in RA from 300 to unlimited.
      8. Short Bid duration of 3 days instead of 10 days for Central Govt & CPSE buyers.
      9. Window for providing minimum service charges being re-introduced for manpower hiring cases
      10. The rule for Automobiles’ categories in accordance with the OM No. F.6/17/2021-PPD “issued by D/O Expenditure dated 18th Jan 2022 has been implemented on GeM portal
  3. IFA Module. Detailed presentation on IFA module was given by Advisor (Defence). The chronology of development of IFA module, as explained during the meeting is woe enumerated below:-
    1. Presentation organised for CGDA Officials on 20th Oct 2021 & 15th Dec 2021
    2. Suggestions and feedback given by the CGDA officials incorporated in the system.
    3. Additional Workflow suggested by CGDA Officials for Post Contract stages like DP Extension, LD etc will be taken up in next phase..
    4. Live Demo of IFA integration module given to the CGDA on 12% January 22.
    5. Concept Note and BRD of IFA module provided to all the buyer organisations on 24th Jan 22.
    6. Live Demo organised for all CGDA buyer organisations including Service HQs on 02nd Feb 22
    7. Suggestions given by Army during Live Demo are as follows:-
      1. Upload Capacity -The file upload capacity for buyer at AON stage is 2 MB which is insufficient as buyers will have to upload various documents including Statement of case, drawings, Specifications, verious authorities for perusal of IFA. The capacity should be increased to min 10 MB.(Provision of uploading Zip File is already available)
      2. HoD login – Under Action’, ‘Accepted/Not Accepted’ must be replaced with ‘Approved/Not Approved’. Once HoD approves the AoN request of buyer, status should be ‘HoD Approved’ instead of ‘HoD Accepted’. (Such Changes and speiling corrections have been done)
      3. Provision to upload other format Documents – In addition to PDF documents, facility must be given to upload other formats as well as JPEG (Photographs), Excel sheets etc. (Provision made available)
    8. IFA user manual forwarded to all the buyer organization on 03rd Feb 22.
    9. A meeting chaired by FA(DS) on 03° Feb 2022 for demonstration of IFA module. Following changes, as directed by FA(DS), being incorporated:-
      1. Phase 1
        1. Provision of digital signature/OTP authentication should be ‘Incorporated in the IFA module for all users.
        2. CFAs across all buyers under MoD may also be trained/sensitized and onboarded before the system is put in operation. Any observations from CFAs also need to be addressed.
      2. Phase 2
        1. System generated UO no. should be there instead of manual UO number system.
        2. Only PDF documents may be allowed to be uploaded by
        3. Provision for budget availability/monitoring may also be added in IFA module.
        4. Provision for analytical data be made available
    10. The details of all reports required for analytics in MIS/Smart search have been sought and are awaited from CGDA. Recommendation of Army has been received.
    11. The other changes planned are as follows:-
      1. URL for price trends and purchase history and Marketplace links for IFA HoD as well as IFA buyer on IFA module dashboard
      2. Search provision for concurrence tickets by AON number, UO number, and status
      3. Making UO number system generated (Format to be AON Number/IFA username/HOD org name/FY YYYY-YYYY/Month-wise S.No)
      4. Buyer, HoD not able to see to which IFA the case is assigned, Same may be displayed in IFA module dashboard as well as Demand section while demand status is awaited
      5. Notifications: –
        1. Notification to be sent to the user (Buyer, IFA, IFA sub user), if a ticket/file is assigned to him/her.
        2. Notification needs to be sent to the user upon Id creation and edit by Admin.
        3. Notification needs to be sent to the user upon activation/
          deactivation by Admin.
  4. Progress of other issues deliberated during the meeting is as follows:-
    1. Ration Module.
      1. An internal discussion is going on with multiple module owners and after that basis on the Concept note and Requirement Finalization, BRD will be prepared for Ration Procurement module on GeM portal.
      2. Post Approval of BRD, Minimum Four to Six months efforts will be required for development.
    2. Service Bills Integration. UAT is already under WIP. developer team is already working on suggested changes by CGDA. will carry out another round of bill push to CGDA on UAT. (Testing is in progress.)
    3. Non-GeM Bill processing through GeM. Response on approximate technical specifications of the hardware required for hosting the application has been shared by GeM on 18 Feb 2022
  5. Other important issues which were discussed are as follows: –
    1. Targets and achievements of various organizations were reviewed. It was observed that many of organizations i.e., HQIDS, DGQA, IOL etc have not met even 50% of their targets. Such organizations need to look into current achievements.
    2. Other organizations who have not achieved 80% target is requested to expedite the procurement procedure as FY 21-22 is about to end in a month.
    3. MoD organizations to provide their targets for Financial Year 2022-23 by 03rd March 22. (Action — All buyers)
    4. Advisor (Defence), GeM brought out the issue regarding procurement of medicines on GeM through BOQ/Custom bid functionality. It has been clarified that an advisory is already available on buyer dashboard that “Presently, only 103 medicines, reserved for CPSEs, are available on GeM. As a policy, Gem has decided not to bring other medicines for procurement on the GeM portal as of now. Buyers are advised not to create any bid including custom bid for drugs and medicines/vaccines not available on GeM. The medicines not available on GeM may be purchased outside GeM.”
    5. Custom bid and BOQ bid functionality are not available for “bid estimated value less than Rs 5 Lakhs” on GeM portal.
    6. ICG brought out the issue related to mapping of CDAs, and bills rejected by CDAs. CGDA requested ICG to share such specific case. (Action- ICG)
    7. CGDA may review and check the type of rejection carried out by CDAs during bill processing. CGDA requested to forward the Percentage of bills which were rejected in CFY vs bills cleared in the CFY along with the details of rejection codes as available on Ge portal. (Action- CGDA)
    8. CGDA brought out the issue related to analysis of tenders floated Outside GeM. It was briefed that procurement of goods/services undertaken outside Gem even If the goods/services were available on GeM was being done by creating GeM availability report for misleading nomenclature of goods and services CGDA was requested to analyze whether the IFA concurrence had been provided for such procurement or not and further co-ordinate with IFAs and CFAs for procurement done outside GeM and Submit a detailed report on it by early March 2022. Monitoring team to give a detailed presentation on tender analysis in every SCoGeM. (Action- CGDA)
    9. 35 ATCs for vehicle hiring forwarded by Army through MoD to GeM were discussed during the meeting. Advisor Defence brought out that Provision for 09 out of 35 ATCs already exists on GeM and balance 26 ATCs may be added in GeM ATCs library along with other 103 ATCs already forwarded to GeM. Army HQ may forward combine list of ATCs for vehicle hiring to GeM. (Action- Army)
    10. Provision of making Limited tender enquiry available on GeM has been raised by DPSUs and Navy. The issue may be taken Up with Department of Expenditure. (Action- DDP and Navy)
    11. Advisor Defence brought out the issue related to exemption of PPP-MII in procurement aid noticed that few buyers are uploading the incorrect document for exemption. In this regard, it is informed that as per clause 14 of the PPP-MII Order,2017 approval of Minister-in-Charge IS required for seeking exemption. In view of this, it is requested to take approval of the competent Authority as per the Provision of PPP-MII Order, 2017 as amended on 16.09.2020 and PPP-MII Order, 2017 be followed Strictly.
    12. Newly formed DPSUs to register themselves immediately as seller on GeM. (Action- DDP)
    13. DPSUs to upload their products on GeM and share their targets as a seller on GeM. IAF brought out that few of their bids failed as HAL did not participate in the custom bid and IFAs have been insisting for all procurement from DPSUs to be undertaken through GeM. (Action- DDP)
    14. CGDA may take necessary action at their end for sharing of online payment details with GeM at the earliest for updation on the portal. (Action- CGDA)
    15. CGDA may upload or share the offline Payment details either on CGDA website or with the buyers’ unit for updation on GeM portal. (Action- CGDA)
    16. OSCC may share the list of far-flung units’ location where internet services are not available along with a draft DO ietter addressed to Secretary DoT. (Action- Army)
    17. Navy requested for integration of DGQA with GeM. It was brought out that such integration will be undertaken in due course of time. (Action- GeM)
    18. Inclusion of option of choosing Class-II Suppliers at Mil stage in bid may be created. (Action- GeM)
    19. Navy requested for creation of Role of indentor on GeM portal. (Action- GeM)
    20. Navy requested that rejected bills should be handled by local CDAs and not by PCDA (Navy). Mumbai. Service bills are still being handled by local CDAs and not PCDA (Navy), Mumbai. In the similar manner rejected bills should be handled by local CDAs for ease of liaison. Similar request was put forth by Coast Guard also. CGDA/GeM should create functionality of resubmission of all rejected bills online to PCDA (Navy), Mumbai. (Action- CGDA/GeM)
    21. All CDAs to be brought online for integration with GeM. ICG brought out that only CDA Delhi and Mumbai were online. (Action- CGDA)
    22. ATCs required for buyers of Ministry of Defence may be forwarded which can be incorporated in GeM library. (Action- All MoD organizations)
    23. ICG requested that frequent change in price of MT vehicles should not be allowed. It was explained that all the sellers are allowed to increase their price only once in a month and decrease as many times as they want. Further with the implementation of new OM for procurement of automobiles, such issue as faced by ICG earlier may not arise. If required, procedure for taking CFA approval for change in cost may be looked into.
    24. All MoD buyers to get their routine vendors registered on GeM through seller invitation module available on buyer dashboard. (Action- All MoD organizations)
    25. CGDA to forward details of MIS dashboard required in IFA module by 3 March 2022. (Action- CGDA)
    26. Army to take Up case for procurement of OCPP equipment through Gem with DG Acquisition, MoD. (Action- Army)
    27. Army to onboard District Labour officers on GeM for hiring of Pony through GeM portal. (Action- Army)
  6. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to and from the chairman.

List of Attendant in SCoGeM meeting held on 21.02.2022 at 03.00PM

Sl.No. Name & Desig Organisation
01 Mr. Neeraj Surendran Sr.ACGDA CGDA
02 Lt. Col. A.Rizvan DGAFMS
03 Lt.Col. Siddarth Nehra, GSO-1(Tn &E-TKT) DGOL & SM,IHQ of
MoD Army
04 Lt.Col. Sandeep Kumar, Data base Adm,OSCC OSCC
05 Col. N.Wadhera OSCC
06 Col. VirendarSingh DGFP Dte,
07 Mr. Sukhpal Singh Sr Manager
08 Mr. Naveen Manager
09 Mr. Gaurav Kumar GeM
10 Lt. Col. Manish Kumar Kadian,
11 Mr. S.S. Bedi, DS(Adm.) DDP
12 Mr. Jaydeep Sc.’G’ DRDO
13 Lt. Cdr. Abhishek Aggarwal IHQ MoD(N)/DNP
14 Cpl. V.C.Joshi, IAF Help Desk Rep. IAF
15 Mr. RAjesh Chhabra, AO CGDA
16 Mr. Vishal Krishna, AO CGDA
17 Wg.Cdr. C.syam Kumar, Wg.Cdr. Revenue Budget D Fin P Air HQ(VB)
18 COMDT(JG) Survrojyoti Roy ICG
19 Maj. Pankaj Jalwal DGST Br
20 Cdr. Varun Verma DCV
21 Capt. T.M. Rizvi, Capt(Proc) GeM
22 Capt. T.M. Rizvi, Capt(Proc) Navy, DPRO
23 Cdr. Kalyan Mohanty Navy, DPRO
24 Gp. Capt. S.K. Singh IAF
25 Gp. Capt. R.K. Vashishth IAF
26 Capt. Vishnu Reddy IHQ MoD(N)/DNP
27 DIG A.K. Bhardwaj ICG, PD(Log)
28 Col. V.Suresh Kallai DGST

Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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