Last date for submission of bills/claims pertaining to current financial year

Last date for submission of bills/claims pertaining to current financial year

Last date for submission of all bills/claims pertaining to current financial year


OC No. R/13/Circular/Vol-II
O/o the CDA, UayanVihar,
Narangi, Guwahati-781171.
Dated:- 04/03/2022


(All Units and Formations under CDA Guwahati Payment Jurisdiction)

Sub:- Submission of Bills for the financial year 2021-22

It is brought to the notice of all COs/OCs of Units and formation that it is obligatory on the part of Units/formations to submit all the bills/claims of various natures in time duly completed in all respect as we are approaching the end of the financial year 2021-22.

As per previous years trend, huge no. of bills/claims forwarded by the units are expected to be received in this office during the month of March-2022 which may affect the systematic control of timely receipt and disposal of dak at the fag end of the financial year 2021-22. It is pertinent to mention here that the financial transaction on SBI CMP FAST PLUS Portal for the FY 2021-22 can be done only up to the last day of the FY i.e. 31/03/2022.

Therefore, it is requested to ensure submission of all bills/claims pertaining to the current financial year in this office on or before 23/03/2022 positively in the Record Section. Otherwise this office will not be in a position to process these bills/claims within the current financial year which may lead to lapses of funds.

This office/organization will not be held responsible for any surrender of funds due to non-submission of bills/claims in the stipulated time frame.

Your co-operation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

(Gautam Doley)
Asstt. Controller

Copy to:

  1. Hg. Easter Command               }
    C/o 99 APO                                }
  2. HQ. 101 Area, C/o 99 APO      }     for information necessary
    }      action please.
  1. HQ. 3 Corps, C/o 99 APO        }
  2. HQ. 4 Corps, C/o 99 APO        }
  3. IT&SW Centre : for uploading on CDA Guwahati website please.

(Gautam Doley)
Asstt Controller

Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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