Payment of incentive for PLI/RPLI business procured in the month of January 2022- Deptt. of Post

Payment of incentive for PLI/RPLI business procured in the month of January 2022- Deptt. of Post

Payment of incentive for PLI/RPLI business procured in the month of January 2022- Deptt. of Post

F. No. 18-04/2020-LI Part (3)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance)

Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021
Dated: 25.02.2022


All Heads of Circles

Subject: Payment of incentive for PLI/RPLI business procured in the month of January 2022 — regarding.


This is regarding payment of incentive for PLI and RPLI business procured by all categories of sales force in the month of January 2022.

2. In this connection, the undersigned is directed to convey approval of the competent authority for payment of the incentive due to all categories of sales force for PLI and RPLI business procured in the month of January 2022. Booking of incentive payment may be made in the correct head of account/GL code.

3. Circles are requested to make incentive payment for the month of January 2022 by 15th March, 2022 and send a compliance report to PLI Directorate. The incentive payment by Circles must not exceed the incentive liability as intimated by Circles for the month of January 2022.

4. This issues with approval of the competent authority.

(Shiv Kumar)
Assistant Director (PLI)

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