Cadre review of industrial Employees: BPMS requests to not abolish the post to account the war reserve

Cadre review of industrial Employees: BPMS requests to not abolish the post to account the war reserve

Cadre review of industrial Employees: BPMS requests to not abolish the post to account the war reserve


Ref. No. : 129/AIDEF/BPMS/21

Date : 16.11.2021


The Director General Ordnance (C&S)
Ayudha Bhawan, New Delhi.

Kind Attn: DDG/IR

Subject: Cadre Review in of Industrial Cadres.

Reference : DOO Letter No.PER/I/CADRE REVIEW/ IE, dated 12/11/2021,


In response to your letter dtd. 12/11/2021, on the above subject we wish to submit the following for your favourable consideration please.

  1. As regards, the Artisan Staff/Tradesman, the cadre restructuring is being carried out by the Ministry of Defence for the entire Defence Civilian Employees by revising the Intergrade ratio.
  2. After the 7th CPC recommendations, there was a meeting held under the Chairmanship of JS(E) of MoD with the Federations and the following proposal was unanimously approved for processing with Department of Personnel & Training.

Designation Pay Scales as per 7th CPC Present Ratio Revised Ratio proposed
w.e.f. 01/01/2016

w.e.f. 01/01/2006

Master Craftsman (MCM)

(PB-2, GP-2400/-)

Level – 6 13.75% 20%
Highly skilled – 1

(PB-1, GP-2800)

Level -5 20.625%
Highly skilled – 1

(PB-1, GP-2400)

Level – 4 20.625%

(PB-1, GP-2400)

Level – 2 45%
  1. In this regard the MoD vide their ID Letter dtd. 18/05/2020 have asked for financial implications from all Directorates including OFB. The proposal is at present under consideration with DOP&T and Department of Expenditure.

In this situation we fail to understand how the DDP can carry out a separate Cadre Review exercise in respect of Tradesman of Ordnance Factories. Therefore it is proposed that you may kindly wait for outcome of the above proposal of Ministry of Defence. Moreover the proposal to abolish the posts which are lying vacant and reducing the sanctioned strength of Tradesman from 99503/94598 to 65217 Is not acceptable, since it will take away the promotional opportunities of the existing employees and it has not taken in to account the war reserve required for meeting any emergent situation like Kargil crisis etc.

In view of the above it is requested that no further decision may be taken in this regard without holding a meeting with the Federations.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

General Secretary/AIDEF
[email protected]

General Secretary/BPMS
[email protected]

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production
D(Est/NG)/Sena Bhawan, ‘B’ Wing

Subject: Cadre review in respect of industrial Employees in Ordnance Factories Organisation.

Refer: OFB ID No. PER/IVCADRE REVIEW/IE dtd. 23/09/2021 on the above mentioned subject.

2. OFB vide above ID has forwarded the Revised cadre review proposal of Industrial Employees wherein the sanctioned strength is mentioned as 118736 nos. and revised sanctioned strength as 102598 nos. The total nos. of post decreased were mentioned as 16138 nos.

3. It is noted that OFB proposed to surrender certain additional vacancies out of the balance vacancies which occurred during last 2 yrs (i.e. live post). Further, vacancies lying for more than 2 yrs are deemed to be abolished. Therefore, the sanctioned strength of the proposed cadre structure need to be revised as Sanctioned strength (prior to manpower rationalization i.e. col 2) – Vacancies lying for more than 2 years (i.e. col 5 Deemed abolished category) – Vacancies surrendered from live posts i.e. col.7 in table given in para V of ID dated 23/09/2021.

4. While doing so, the final figure need to be adjusted to follow percentage distribution as decided in MOD letter dtd. 14/06/2010. It needs to be ensured that total vacancies to be surrendered can’t be below the no. of vacancies which are deemed abolished due to lying vacant for more than two years.

5. The proposed cadre structure be revised accordingly. Further, based on the total posts to be surrendered, column related to proposed sanctioned strength in financial implication sheet in Annexure-A also needs to be revised.

6. It is requested that this matter may be given due care and urgency and the revised proposal be submitted immediately to enable this office to process it within a week.

(Manisha Bhatnagar)
Director (P)

Shri Niraj Kela,
Deputy Director General/IR
Directorate of Ordnance(C&S)
10-A, Shaheed Khu >MOD ID no. 41(3)/2019-D (Estt/NG) dated 25.10.2021


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