Withdrawal of online 64 KB ECHS Card Application – ECHS order dated 04.10.2021

Withdrawal of online 64 KB ECHS Card Application – ECHS order dated 04.10.2021

Withdrawal of online 64 KB ECHS Card Application – ECHS order dated 04.10.2021

Withdrawal of online 64 KB ECHS Card Application

Tele : 25684645
Telefax : 011-25684946
Email : [email protected]

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army), Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle,
Delhi Gantt- 110 010


04 Oct 2021

(All Regional Centres)

ECHS Branch
Embassy of India
Kathmandu (Nepal)



1. All ESM/Primary beneficiaries to get new 64 Kb ECHS Cards for self an dependents are required to apply online ECHS Portal/Website echs.sourceinfosys.com. The process of filling online application is in two parts. In the first part the ESM/Primary beneficiary is required to register and then has to click on “click to login” to further fill the online application.

2. In few cases it is observed that the ESM/Primary beneficiary has filled wrong information at the time of registration. In such cases, these online applications are required to be withdrawn and fresh application is required to be filled.

3. A software solution has been implemented to enable such application to be withdrawn by respective Regional Centres. Details are given in the succeeding paragraphs.

Details of Fields Which If Wrongly Filled Then The Online Application To Be Withdrawn

4. In case the ESM/Primary beneficiary fills any one or more of the following fields wrongly at the time of registration, then he/she has to apply to respective Regional Centre to withdraw the online application:-

(a) Select Category.

(i) Ex-Servicemen (Pensioner)

(ii) Spouse- Marital Discord Case

(iii) World War II Retiree

(iv) SSCOs Retiree

(v) PMRs retiree (Non-Pensioner)

(vi) ECOs Retiree

(b) Select Service Category.

(i) Army

(ii) Navy

(iii) Air Force

(iv) TA- Territorial Army

(v) DSC-Defernce Security Corps

(vi) SFF- Special Frontier Force

(vii) ICG- Indian Coast Guard

(viii) NCC- National Cadet Corps

(ix) Assam Rifles

(c) Sevice No

(d) Country.

(i) India

(ii) Nepal

(iii) NRI/OCI

(e) Record Office- In case application verified by wrong Record office and card printed.

(f) In case extension of service.

Procedure To Apply For Withdrawal Of Application.

5. (a) ESM/Primary Beneficiary will fill the form given at Appx ‘A’ duly signed and forward to the Director Regional Centre of the chosen Parent Polyclinic online/offline to withdraw online application.

(b) Director Regional Centre will be provided with a Tab “Withdraw Application”. The Director will fill the details given in the requestion form in the online module and then upload the scanned copy of the form received from the ESM/Primary Beneficiary.

(c) The system once approves the withdrawal of application will give a printout of the confirmation with details auto populated as per Appx ‘B’. The Director Regional Centre will forward the details to the ESM/Primary Beneficiary online/offline.

(d) ESM/Primary Beneficiary on receipt of confirmation letter can apply online for card under the appropriate category.

(e) In case the ESM/Primary beneficiary had collected the new 64 Kb ECHS Card under wrong category and deposited his/her Old 16 Kb Card/32 Kb Card/offline Temporary Slip, then the confirmation letter may be uploaded , if copy of the earlier card not held.

(f) The copy of this withdrawal certificate be produced to the card issuing authourity at the time of collecti6n of new 64 Kb ECHS Cards.

Procedure To Apply For Refund.

6. In case, 64 Kb ECHS Smart Cards are not printed and online application is withdrawn by the ESM/Primary Beneficiary, then he/she can apply for refund of online payment made for printing of new cards.

7. The ESM/Primary Beneficiary will be required to login to echs website/portal i.e. echs.sourceinfosys.com using login credentials of the withdrawn application. A tab for refund will be enabled after withdrawal of online application. The ESM/Primary Beneficiary to click on “Apply Refund” Tab and fill the bank details in which refund is required to be deposited and click on submit.

(Rakesh Kakar)
Col (Retd)
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation)

Copy to:

M/s SourceDOTcom Pvt. Ltd, K7/35, DLF Phase-II
Sector-25, Gurugram
Haryana – 122002
You are requested to maintain data in the archive and the same data to be made available for any subsequent audit of withdrawn application.
UTI Bhawan Plot No-3, Sector-11
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra -400614

(Refer letter No B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/Withdrawal
datd 04 Oct 2021)


  1. Online application No. to be withdrawn ……………………………..
  2. Name with Rank……………………………..
  3. Service No. (With prefix and suffix where applicable) as appended below:-
    (a) Wrong Service No. mentioned on the online application…………………… (b) Correct Service No. ………………………
  4. Select Category as appended below:-
    (a) Category selected in the online application……………………………….
    (b) Correct Category……………………………..
  5. Select Service Category as appended below:-
    (a) Category selected in the online application……………………………….
    (b) Correct Category……………………………..
  6. Country details appended below:-
    (a) Country selected in the online application……………………………….
    (b) Correct Country……………………………..
  7. Application Type (ex. 16KB/32 KB/Temp Slip holder/etc):-
  8. Record Office:-
    (a) Record office mentioned on the online application…………………
    (b) Correct Record office…………………………..
  9. Application Status:-
    (a) Pending verification.
    (b) Verified.
    (c) Card Printed.
    (c) Card collected.
  10. If card collected then details of cards handed over to the card using Station HQs / Polyclinics:-
    (a) …………………………
    (b) …………………………
    (c) …………………………

Signature of ESM
Contact No:­
Email ID:-

(Refer letter No B/49711-NSC/AG/ECHS/Withdrawal
dated 04-0ct 2021)


REGIONAL CENTRE……………………………..

1. Your online application has been withdrawn the details of which are given as under:-

(a) Online application No………………………

(b) Following details given on the withdrawn application:-

(i) Category …………………………………

(ii) Service Category ……………………..

(iii) Country …………………………………

(iv) Application Type………………………

(v) Application Status …………………….

(vi) Record Office…………….

(c) Details of cards handed over (If applicable):-

(i) …………………………

(ii) ………………………..

Dir Regional Centre

Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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