Online Training Nomination System (OTNS) for online training to the employees of CPSEs and SLPEs

Online Training Nomination System (OTNS) for online training to the employees of CPSEs and SLPEs

Online Training Nomination System (OTNS) for online training to the employees of CPSEs and SLPEs

Economic Adviser

भारत सरकार
Government of India
वित्‍त मंत्रालय
Ministry of Finance
लोक उद्यम विभाग
Department of Public Enterprises
केन्‍द्रीय कार्यालय परिसर ब्‍लाक नं. 14, लोदी रोड
Kendriya Karyala Parisar, Block No. 14, Lodi Road
नई दिल्‍ली/New Delhi-110003

D.O. No. DPE-GM-15/001/2021
1st September, 2021


The Department of Public Enterprises (OPE) has taken the initiative to organize training programmes for the benefit of employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and State-Level Public Enterprises (SLPEs) through online mode in collaboration with leading professional institutes of the country. The details of training programmes proposed to be organized during the year 2021-22 are enclosed which may be circulated to all employees of your company for ensuring wider participation.

2. There is no participation fees for these programmes as all expenses to be incurred in the organization of these programmes will be borne by DPE.

3. The employees of CPSEs can apply for these programmes through an online portal developed by DPE, i.e., ‘Online Training Nomination System (OTNS)‘ which is available at You are requested to nominate a Nodal Officer (preferably head of Training in your company) who will facilitate streamlining participation by accepting/rejecting nominations of employees in above programmes so that not more than two executives are nominated from your company in each of the above programmes. It may be noted that no manual or offline nominations would be accepted.

4. In case of any clarification, Dr. Nitin Aggrawal, Joint Director, DPE (Tel : 2436-0258, email : [email protected]) may be contacted.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

Encl : As stated

(Agrim Kaushal)

online-training-nomination-system-otns-for-online-training-to-the-employees-of-cpses-and-slpesSource : Click here to view/download PDF

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    Manju Meena December 7, 2021

    To attend the training program

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