Provision of CPAP/BiPAP/Oxygen Concentrator in respect of CS(MA) beneficiaries for domiciliary use – Revision of guidelines reg

Provision of CPAP/BiPAP/Oxygen Concentrator in respect of CS(MA) beneficiaries for domiciliary use – Revision of guidelines reg

Revision of guidelines regarding provision of CPAP / BiPAP / Oxygen concentrator, in resp of CS(MA) beneficiaries for domiciliary use MoHFW’s Office Memorandum No. S.14025/55/2019-EHS dated 27.05.2021

File No.S.14025/55/2019-EHS

No. S.14025/55/2019-EHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
EHS Section

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: the 27th May, 2021


Sub:- Revision of guidelines regarding provision of CPAP / BiPAP / Oxygen concentrator, in resp of CS(MA) beneficiaries for domiciliary use.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Office Memorandum No. S.14025/6/2006-MS dated 19th May, 2006 issued by this Department on the above subject. The matter has been reviewed in this Ministry and the following guidelines have been framed for considering requests for permission to purchase Oxygen Concentrator/BiPAP/CPAP etc. by CS(MA) beneficiaries and regulating reimbursement of cost of such machines to the CS(MA) beneficiaries:

(i) Request of the beneficiary should be accompanied with the relevant proforma prescribed for the machine, duly filled up by the treating physician (specimen copy of proforma attached). The treating physician should carefully read the laid down guidelines before filling up the respective columns of the Proforma. Actual value of all the parameters mentioned in Proforma should invaraiably be entered and complete basic investigation reports must be attached.

A. Arterial blood gas report taken while the patient is in stable condition and is breathing room air (in case of oxygen concentrator and bi-level ventilator supplier system)

B. Detailed in-lab-level-I polysomnography report (including all the tracings and tables) in case of recommendation for CPAP and Bi-level CPAP.

(ii) As these machines are life saving devices and have a maximum life of five years, these will be allowed to be replaced again after a period of five years Subject to a certificate by the service engineer regarding the un-serviceability/condemnation/ of the earlier machine.

(iii) The beneficiary has also to submit an undertaking to the effect that he has act claimed reimbursement of the cost of the machine in the last five years (copy
of format for the affidavit and the undertaking is enclosed).

(iv) Individual requests for permission/ replacement / ex-post facto approval shall be considered by the screening committee consisting of DDG(M), Dte.GHS and two Medical Specialists in the concerned field.

(v) The maximum ceiling limit for reibursements will be as following:

a. Oxygen Concentrator Rs. 45,000/- + GST
b. CPAP Rs. 45,000/- + GST
c. Bi-Level CPAP Rs. 68,000/- + GST
d. Bi-level Ventilatory System Rs. 1,06,000/- + GST

(vi) The above ceiling limits include cost of maintenance with spare parts for a period of five years. No request for reimbursement of cost of maintenance/parts
will be entertained.

(vii) Request for replacement of machine after completion of five years will need to be advised and processed in the same manner as for the first machine.

(vii) Request for permission/ex-post facto approval of these machines, complete in all respect as mentioned above may be sent to Directorate General Health Services.

2. This Office Memorandum supersedes all earlier instruction issued on this subject. These instructions shall take effect from: the date of issue of this Office Memorandum i.e. all requests under this OM should have advice for these machines subsequent to the issue of this OM.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide concurrences Dairy No. 2188, dated 23rd December, 2020.

Digitally signed by SANDEEP

(Sandeep Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt.

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