Procedure to be followed while re-forwarding of pension case processed in PFMS returned by CPAO due to mistakes made by PAO – CPAO O.M No. CPAO/IT&Tech/ ePPO 6 Vol-II/2021-22 /e06824/42 dated 13.7.2021
NEW DELHI-110066
CPAO/IT&Tech/ ePPO 6 Vol-II/2021-22 /e06824/42
Office Memorandum
Subject: Pension case processed in PFMS returned by CPAO due to mistakes made by PAO Procedure to be followed while re-forwarding pension cases to CPAO after necessary corrections – reg.
Pension cases processed in PFMS pension module received in Central Pension Accounting Office are returned in the following scenarios:
(A) Mistake found in e-PPO but not in physical PPO booklet
In such cases, the physical PPO booklet is returned to the concerned PAO with suitable remarks. Simultaneously, the e-PPO is deleted from the CPAO database. The PAO then requests PFMS to revert the Digital Signature Certificate so that necessary modification could be made in the e-PPO. After corrections have been made, the e-PPO along with the physical PPO booklet is forwarded to CPAO. After verifying the details, the PPO booklet along with e-PPO is then sent by CPAO to the Central Pension Processing Centre of concerned authorised bank for making payment of pension.
(B) Mistake found in Physical PPO booklet but not in e-PPO
In such cases, the physical PPO booklet is returned to concerned PAO with suitable remarks. Similarly, the e-PPO is deleted from the CPAO database. However, it has been observed that in such cases the concerned PAO makes necessary correction only in the physical PPO booklet and forwards it to the CPAO without re-uploading the e-PPO.
2. As per the records available in CPAO’s database, there are 2197 cases of scenario (B) till date.
3. As the e-PPOs are deleted by CPAO from its database in both scenarios, PAOs in consultation with ITD section, O/o CGA are required to re-upload the e-PPO for scenario (B) also, while forwarding the case to CPAO after making necessary correction. Cases mentioned in scenario (B) cannot be processed if e-PPO is not received in the Central Pension Accounting Office.
4. All the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/ CAs/AGs/Administrators of UTs are requested to instruct concerned PAQOs to strictly adhere to the procedure mentioned above.
This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions)
(Satish Kumar Garg)
(Sr. Accounts Officer)
- Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs/Administrators of UTs
Copy for information-
- The ACGA (ITD), O/o the Controller General of Accounts, Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan, E-Block, General Pool Office Complex, INA New Delhi-110023
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