eNPS for Government – A New On-boarding feature to ease the process of Registration by Government Sector Subscriber – PFRDA Circular No. PFRDA/2021/34/SUP-CRA/1 dated 23-08-2021
Circular no. PFRDA/2021/34/SUP-CRA/1
23rd August 2021
All Stake Holders under Govt Sector NPS
(Central Govt/State Govt/Central Autonomous Bodies/State Autonomous Bodies)
Subject: eNPS for Government – A New On-boarding feature to ease the process of Registration by Government Sector Subscriber
PFRDA, vide its communication PFRDA/2020/49/Sup-CRA/20 dated 12.11.2020 had sought comments from the Government nodal offices on the new digital initiative of providing the option to the employees of Government Sector to register under NPS through ‘eNPS-Government’ in order to provide a convenient and paperless on- boarding experience. The proposed digital platform shall also enable Inter Sector Shifting (ISS) of existing Subscribers of other sectors to seamlessly transfer their NPS account into Government Sector.
2. A large number of Government Sector nodal offices have provided a positive feedback and have made several constructive suggestions. An endeavor has been made by PFRDA to incorporate those suggestions to the extent possible in the interest of Subscribers. The process flow of ‘eNPS- Government’ is placed at Annexure I for ready reference. Nodal officers are welcome to share their feedback as per their evolving needs.
3. The employees of Government Sector (Central/State Government including AutonomousBodies) would be provided with the option to digitally register themselves under the respective Government Sector by the following modes:
I. Through Aadhaar Online/Offline e-KYC – Under this option, the Subscriber will have the facility to register using Aadhaar based KYC.
II. Through Permanent Account Number (PAN) – Under this option, the Subscriber is required to provide valid PAN and upload the relevant KYC documents.
4. Central Record Keeping Agencies(CRAs) would be rolling out the feature ‘eNPS for Government’ shortly. In order to popularize the new feature, CRAs are advised to undertake intensive awareness session/ training on the process to facilitate the nodal offices and Government employees for large scale use and wider adoption of e NPS. Since, PFRDA proposes to make the e NPS for Government mandatory by 1st April 2022, nodal officers may approach CRA for training and other assistance required in this regard.
5. For any suggestion/clarification or improvement in the process flow, the undersigned or Ms Prachi Jain (prachi.jain@pfrda.org.in) can be contacted.
K Mohan Gandhi
(Chief General Manager)
View : Process Flow for Government Subscribers Registration through eNPS Government
Source : Click here to view/download PDF