Auto-forwarding of APAR in SPARROW from the assessment year 2020-21 – Department of Posts

Auto-forwarding of APAR in SPARROW from the assessment year 2020-21 – Department of Posts

Auto-forwarding of APAR in SPARROW from the assessment year 2020-21 – Department of Posts F. No. 25-4/2013-SPG (Vol-II-Pt.) dated 17/08/2021

F. No. 25-4/2013-SPG (Vol-II-Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 17/08/2021


All Heads of Circles
Addl. DG APS
Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad
Chief General Manager, CEPT, Mysore

Subject: Auto-forwarding of APAR in SPARROW from the assessment year 2020-21 — reg.

Respected Madam/ Sir,

This is with reference to online submission of Performance Appraisal Reports (PARs) for all Group ‘A’ IPoS officers of Department of Posts in SPARROW Portal.

2. The undersigned is directed to refer DoP&T letter No. 3/4/2019-EO(PR) dated 25.03.2021 (Annexure – A) vide which DoP&T has directed to implement auto-forwarding of APARs from one stage to another stage in SPARROW after the specified due date from the assessment year 2020-21.

3. DoP&T vide letter No. 2101 1/02/2015-Estt.(A-I])-Part.II dated 17.06.2021 (Annexure-B) has extended the timelines for generation of blank APAR forms, recording and completion of entire APAR process for the year 2020-21. Details of Extended timelines is at Annexure-C.

4. State Custodians of all the Postal Circles/Directorate/CEPT/RAKNPA are requested to ensure that blank APAR forms have been generated for all the IPoS Group ‘A’ officers and also ensure submission of APARs by concerned officers/Reporting Authority/Reviewing Authority/Accepting, Authority as per DoP&T timelines. APAR will automatically be forwarded to next stage after the due date specified by DoP&T.

Yours faithfully

Encl: As Above :

(Vinayak Mishra)
Assistant Director General (SPG)

Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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