Observance of 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021 – DPE O.M. dated 15th June 2021
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003
Dated the 15th June, 2021
Subject:- Observance of 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2021 – reg.
As you are aware that 21st of June is being observed as International Day of Yoga (IDY) every year since the historic decision by United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in its session in 2014. Ministry of AYUSH, with the objective of building public interest in Yoga and to highlight its importance and contribution towards improving public health and emotional wellness has circulated detailed guidelines as a run up to forthcoming IDY 2021. These guidelines (Annexure I) provide details of the activities which can be undertaken by various organisations in connection with IDY 2021. Ministry of AYUSH has also provided links to Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) in English, Hindi and other regional languages and links to various other digital resources for yoga Annexure II & Annexure -III.
2. Based on the guidelines of Ministry of AYUSH, the CPSEs are requested to comply with the following action points to make IDY 2021 a grand success:
- All the CPSEs may prominently display the logo ofIDY 2021 and the links to CYP and Digital Resources for Yoga on their websites.
- The links to CYP and Digital Resources for Yoga may also be disseminated through the social media platform (twitter etc.) of the CPSEs.
- All the employees and staff members should be made aware of CYP and may be encouraged to practice Yoga at 7 am on IDY 2021 so that the maximum participation of staff can be ensured in the same.
- All employees and staff may be encouraged to join the online training programmes as per the guidelines of Ministry of AYUSH.
- Distribution of Yoga Attire, Yoga mats and other Yoga related articles may be undertaken by the CPSEs for encouraging all the staff to participate in the IDY 2021 in full strength.
- online lectures, workshops, etc. by Yoga experts for the staff may be organised.
- The staff and employees may be encouraged to participate in various competitions organized by Ministry of AYUSH on MyGov platform (https://www.mygov.in/) in connection with IDY 2021.
- Similar competitions such as quiz, essays, poster making, slogans etc on Yoga theme, may also be organized by CPSE also for its employees.
3. It is further, informed that the activities mentioned above may be undertaken while complying the government guidelines on prevention of COVID 19 and following physical distancing norms and other basic protective measures such as masks and sanitizers, etc.
4. It may be noted that activities may not be restricted to IDY 2021 and infact may be weaved into an ongoing exercise. For instance activities as at 2 (iv) and 2 (vi) to 2(viii) could be planned in such a manner. The pictures / videos of IDY-2021 related activities may be forwarded by CPSEs to DPE on [email protected]
Encl :
(Pavanesh Kr Sharma)
DY Secretary to the Govt. of India
T. No.24366820
CMDs of all CPSEs.
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