Mandatory seeding of Aadhar Number for filing of ECR – reg

Mandatory seeding of Aadhar Number for filing of ECR – reg.

कर्मचारी भविष्‍य निधि संगठन
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
मुख्‍य कार्यालय/Head Office

No: WSU/15(1)2019/ATR/529

Date: 15.06.2021


All Addl. CPFCs (HQ), Addl.CPFCs, Zonal Offices
All RPFCs / OICs, Regional Offices

Sub: Mandatory seeding of Aadhar Number for filing of ECR-Reg.

Ref: HO Circular No. BKG-27/7/2020-G/Pt.file dated 01.06.2021

Madam / Sir,

In partial modification of the Circular under Reference, it is informed that the dates in Para 3 and 4 (of the referred Circular) mentioned as 01.06.2021 may be read as 01.09.2021.

2. All other contents of the referred Circular remain unchanged.

3. Further,all the employers may be advised by concerned field offices to be ready for implementation after the period of deferment.

(This issues with the approval of competent authority.)

Yours faithfully,

Encl:As above.

(Vishal Agarwal)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (WSU)

Copy to:

Addl. CPFC (IS) / RPFC – I(IS) for information and necessary action please.

(Vishal Agarwal)
Regional P.F.Commissioner-I(WSU)

कर्मचारी भविष्‍य निधि संगठन
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
मुख्‍य कार्यालय/Head Office

No: BKG-27/7/2020-G/Pt.file



All Addl. CPFCs(HQ)/ACC (Zones)

Subject: Mandatory seeding of Aadhaar Number for filing of ECR- Reg.


Section 142 of the Code on Social Security, 2020, has been brought into force, with effect from 03.05.2021, vide gazette notification No.1730(E) dated 30.04.2021.

2. The section 142 of Chapter XIV of the Social Security Code, includes the provisions related to Aadhaar, wherein the beneficiary under this Code or rules, regulations or Schemes made or framed there under, shall establish his identity or, as the case may be, the identity of his family members or dependents through Aadhaar number.

3. In compliance of the above provision in EPFO, the Competent Authority has approved that the ECR shall be allowed to be filed only for those members, whose Aadhaar numbers are seeded and verified with the UANs, w.e.f. 01.06.2021.

4. Accordingly, the employers shall be allowed to file the ECR only for the UANs seeded with Aadhaar, w.e.f. 01.06.2021. To ensure that the members and the employers are not adversely affected in the transition phase, the following steps and measures may be undertaken by the field offices under your jurisdiction. A zone wise pendency position 1s attached as an annexure, as a ready reference.

  1. All the employers need to be made aware of the mandatory filing of ECR with Aadhar validated UANs. Therefore, wide publicity may be ensured in this regard.
  2. The ROs may conduct virtual conferences and also make use of the Social Media handles to reach out to maximum number of employers and subscribers.
  3. A Nodal officer may be appointed, for coordination of these efforts and to facilitate the resolution of any issues being faced by the employers and members in this regard.
  4. Daily progress may be obtained from the field offices, to ensure close monitoring.

Accordingly, the Zonal Offices are requested to ensure strict compliance of the above instructions.

(Issued with approval of Competent Authority)

Yours faithfully,
(Rajiv Bisht)

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