Guidelines/Instructions to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic – DoT O.M. No. F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M dated 11th June, 2020

Guidelines/Instructions to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic – DoT O.M. No. F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M dated 11th June, 2020

Guidelines/Instructions to contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic – DoT O.M. No. F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M dated 11th June, 2020

F.No. 16-30 /2020-O&M
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications

Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated: 11th June, 2020.


Sub: Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 – reg

Considering the increasing incidents of COVID-19 positive cases in Government offices in the vicinity, a Video Conference was held on 09-06-2020 chaired by Secretary/DoPT, in which various Ministries /Departments participated. In continuation of this section’s OM of even number dated 09-06-2020 on the subject, the following steps/protocol are reiterated for being observed by all officers and staff of DoT to prevent the entry and spread of disease in the office:

  1. Various guidelines/instructions issued by DoPT as well as MHA and MoHFW regarding preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 may be strictly complied. Particular reference is invited to MoH&FW’s SOP dated 04-06-2020 that were circulated vide this section’s OM referred to above. Advise on only asymptomatic employees attending office, on use of the Arogya Setu App, on prescribed hygiene measures and on maintaining social distancing while commuting to office and while in office are emphasized in this connection.
  2. It is reiterated that use of face mask is mandatory and lack of compliance will invite administrative action. As regards MTSs (both regular and contractual), it shall also be the responsibility of the officers with whom the MTSs are attached to ensure that they follow this protocol.
  3. Used face masks, gloves etc. to be discarded carefully in waste bins.
  4. Use of e-office to be encouraged and movement of physical files/documents to be avoided to the extent possible. Virtual meetings instead of physical meetings to be done to the extent feasible.
  5. DoPT guidelines dated 18.5.2020 on office attendance are in the context of maintaining social distancing in each office by rostering attendance (for those below DS level) through alternate day attendance and staggered office timings. The intention of the guideline is for around 50% of the sanctioned strength (depending on functional requirement) at each sectional level to be present at a time in the office so that social distancing at the relevant workplace is facilitated. Calling the entire strength of a section at a time on a day for a few days a week is not in the spirit of the guidelines.
  6. Social distancing to be maintained to the extent feasible in shared workplaces/cabins. Where two officers even at the level of DS and above are sharing a cabin, both need not necessarily be called toattend office every day. Depending on the requirement, Divisional/Wing head can stagger their office attendance appropriately.

2. All officers/staff not attending office due to staggered attendance being adopted will continue to work from home and be available on mobile/email.

(Pravin Kumar Pandey)
Under Secretary(C&A)
Tel. 011-23036073


  1. Member(F) / Member (T) / Member (S)/DG(T)
  2. AS(T)/ Administrator (USOF)/WA, WPC/Advisor (O)/ Advisor (F)/ CVO/Sr. DDGs/JS(T)/JS(A)/DDGs – through e-office Notice Board.
  3. All Officers and staff in Department of Telecom- through e-office.
  4. DoPT, North Block (Shri Umesh Kumar Bhatia, Deputy Secretary), for information w.r.t DoPT’s OM dated 05-06-2020 and video conferencing held on 09.06.2020 on the subject.

Copy to:

PS to Hon’ble MoC/ MoSC.
PSO to Secretary (T)

Source: DoT

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