Email Policy and Website guidelines – Railway Board order dated 18-06-2021

Email Policy and Website guidelines – Railway Board order dated 18-06-2021

Email Policy and Website guidelines – Railway Board order dated 18-06-2021

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे मंत्रालय) (Railway Board)

Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road
New Delhi – 110001


Dated : June 18, 2021

The General Manager
All Indian Railways, PUs
The Director General, RDSO, NAIR, Director CTIs
PCAO/CAOs, All other Railway Units
CMDs/MDs, All PSUs of IR, CRIS

Sub: Email Policy and Website guidelines

A Central Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) has communicated to Board (CRB & CEO) advising use of domain email ids only for all official communication. The communication prohibits use of any private email service providers viz., Gmail, Yahoo, etc. for any and all official communications. Also, it advised hosting of all Govt Websites only on [dot]gov[dot]in/ [dot]nic[dot]in domains

  1. Instructions have already been issued, vide Office Order No.42 of 2020, which mandates the use of domain email ids only for all official communications. A copy of the same is attached for ready reference. These instructions are reiterated for compliance by all Officials.
  2. It has also come to notice that websites of a number of field units have been designed, developed and hosted through private entities which do not conform to the Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW v2.0) 2019. Many such websites are also not hosted on or domain.

    3.1. It is, therefore, requested to ensure that any website developed and/ or owned by any of the field units, scrupulously conforms to GIGW and use only or domains allotted exclusively and restricted to Government Websites.

  3. The above is brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance. Receipt of this letter, in the meantime, may kindly be acknowledged.

(Kuldeep Singh)
Director ME (C&IS)
[email protected]

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